Chapter 6

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Ariel looked around her lawn, and tip toed to her car as fast as she could. She jumped inside her Chevy Cruze and hastily started the ignition. Ariel's heart raced as flew down 225. Even though Ariel called the police out as soon as the incident occurred, the Peeping Tom from the other night still had her nerves on edge. She's been living in the same house a year, and has never had a problem. But now, Ariel had a feeling someone was out to get her. Maybe she was overreacting, but Ariel watched her surroundings at all times.

"Hey, Daddy!" Ariel greeted her father, as she slid in the booth at Chili's to have lunch with him.

"Hey, Gorgeous." Ariel's father kissed her cheek, and handed her a menu. "How's my favorite daughter?"

"Daddy, I'm your only daughter," Ariel responded with a smile. "But I'm fine, and yourself?" She looked around nervously, and took a sip of the strawberry lemonade the waitress placed in front of her. She hoped that her father didn't notice her paranoia.

"Well, you don't look fine. What's bothering you, Ariel Elizabeth?"


"Daddy, stop." Ariel hated when he addressed her by both, her first and middle name. When she was younger, he would only do that when he was disappointed with her.

"Really, Daddy, I'm okay," Ariel convinced him. "So how are things at the plant? Did Devin get a promotion?" She wiggled her eyebrows up and down at her father, she wanted Devin to get a promotion, badly. So that way, money wouldn't be an excuse either, as to why he didn't want to take things to the next level with her.

"I fired Devin's ass," her father answered, nonchalantly. He lifted the freshly tossed salad into his mouth, and shrugged his shoulders.

"You did what?! Why?!" Ariel noticed her voice was getting higher, so she toned it down. "I mean, why?" She asked, running her hand through her hair.

"He failed the random drug test. I can't play with my company like that, Ariel. Now, if you love him, you should have loved him enough to tell him that. I'm not paying anybody workers' comp, for being under the influence. His ass, included."

Ariel felt as if her heart had been ripped from her chest. "Daddy! I cannot believe you! You promised you wouldn't do that! You only give randoms when someone's performance isn't pleasing, and I know Devin works his ass off!"

Ariel placed a few bills on the table and stood to her feet. "I'm leaving! And don't bother calling me, James!"

"Ariel!" Her father called after her. "You don't even know wh-"

When he saw the glass door slam behind her, he settled back in the booth. He adjusted his tie and combed through his gray hair.

She's better off with her ex anyway. Nigga ain't even trying to marry her. Just wants to be a damned thug his entire life.

A few of the guests were staring and whispering, so James tipped the waitress, and left.

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