Welcome to the Renaissance

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(Above is what she is wearing)

Elaine's POV
~ten years later~

"I'm going out to the market Evan, do you want anything?"

"I'm good thanks." Evan replied as he played with the bandages that wrapped his left arm. Since mom is working late I figured I'd get groceries.

"Well do you wanna come with me?" I asked. I really don't want to leave him alone since the incident. Let's just say I was gone for four hours and by the time I got back I found Evan on the ground with a broken arm.

"A-are y-you crazy?!" Evan shot up from the couch and looked at me as if I had four eyes or something "the m-m-market is full o-of... of strangers."

"I know it can be scary, but I could be gone for a long time," I explained while patting his head "plus I don't want you to break your other arm."

"I-I c-can't...I can't c-climb a tree w-with one a-arm."

"I still don't want to leave you alone, I promise we'll be home before sundown."



"O-ok I'll go with you."


Like always the town square was crowded with people. I felt Evan cling harder on my arm as we explored the market. Evan has always been uncomfortable in large crowds every since we were little kids. Some people would find his anxiety problems annoying, but I don't. He's my big brother and I love him to bits.

"Sup Ev and Elle!"A familiar voice hollered. We turn around to see our friend, Micheal Mell, walking towards us. Behind him are our other friends Jared Kleinmen and Jeremy Heere. Evan and I have been friends with them since were little kids.

"Oh hey guys!" I smiled

"Wow, it's rare to see Evan in the town square," Jared, being a typical annoying half elf half human(a long and complicated love story between his parents) asshole, commented when he realized that Evan was with me. "What happened to your arm?"

"I-I fell..fell out of a-a tree." Evan answered

"What are you an acorn?"

"Hey!" I punched Jared in the arm.

"Ow! You know Elle if you wanted a piece of the insanely cool Jared Kleinmen you could have just asked~" Jared smirked. I gagged on the inside, he always likes to flirt with me it's annoying.

"Ha! In your dreams Jared!" I laughed as I punched him in the arm. Micheal gave me a high five for my awesome comeback.

"So are you guys going to the autumn festival?" Micheal asked. "I heard Bob Marley is gonna be preforming this year."

"That sounds epic! Evan we should!"

"Umm...I d-don't think mom w-would let us out t-that late."

"I'm sure mom would let us go. Come on Evan it's gonna be amazing, besides the autumn festival is where dreams come true!"

"Yeah! Maybe Jeremy might gather up the courage to ask Christine to be his date." Jared laughed as he turned around, wrapping his arms around his sides, and making kissing noises to make it look like he was making out with someone.

A dream come true (a DEH & BMC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now