The town loner

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Warning ⚠️ attempt in suicide

Elaine's POV

My heart hammered in my chest as I stared at the bottle in his hand.

Quit staring and do something!

He struggled to pull the cork out, but he managed. I felt a pit in my stomach when I heard the cork pop like a bottle of champagne.

He's gonna kill himself! Stop him!

The next thing I knew, I was standing up. I ran up and tackled him to the ground.

"What the fuck?! Get off me!!!" He yelled and tried to push me off. I held him down (Not in a sexual way!!!) and pried the bottle from his hand. I quickly got up and smashed the bottle on the ground.

The town loner got up from the ground and looked at me what hateful eyes. He then grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him, and then yelled and cursed at me. However I didn't pay attention, I was mostly focused on his bloody wrist.

"What are you looking at?!" He snapped

"Y-your wrist is bleeding."


"So, it can get infected!" I pulled my arm out of his grasp and gently grabbed his noninjured arm. "Come with me."

"I'm not going with you!" He protested and tried to yank his arm away, but I held tightly.

"Yes, you are! You need medical attention!" And with that said, I continued down the path to my house.


I opened the door to find the house, mom and Evan must be in town. I lead to the kitchen and pulled out a chair so he can sit down while I look for the first aid kit.

"You are not really smart." He said as I looked through the cabinets.

"What makes you say that?"

"You bought a random stranger into your house. Don't you know the phrase 'stranger danger'?"

"Yes I do, but you needed help."

"No, I don't!" He growled, "And stop pretending to be nice to me!"

"I'm not pretending." I explained and tried really hard to control my anger "Maybe you should accept people's help instead of pushing them away."

Oops! He seemed to have heard me muttered that last part because he looked pissed. "Well, maybe you should mind your own fucking business!"

That's it!

"Well, maybe you should control your temper and listen for a change!!!" That got him to shut up! The town loner glared at me but continued to stay quiet until I finally found the first aid kit. Yes! Why is it all the way in the back?

I sat down in front of him and took out the antibiotics, some cotton gauzes, and a clean rag. After pouring some antibiotics on the rag, I went to take the town loner's bleeding wrist, but he slightly pulled it away. I gave him a stern look and gently took his wrist in my hand.

"Bear with me. This might sting." I warned him and wiped the rag on his cut. He hissed in pain but allowed me to continue.

As I bandaged his wounds, I began to process everything that had just happened. If I hadn't taken the short cut home, I never would have found him. He...could have died.

"I'm...I'm glad I found you." I spoke, "I'm glad you're still alive."

He gave me a confused look "Why? You don't know me!"

"Still, no one should ever feel the need to kill themselves!" I argued back and tied the bandage "Think about what you would be putting your family through!"

"My family doesn't care a shit about me!" He yanked his arm away and pulled down his sleeve. "They would care! No one would care!"

"I would care!"

"You don't even know me!"

"I want to!!!" I snapped and looked straight into his eyes. "I know you think that killing yourself is the only solution, but it's not. It will only make things worse, and not for your family, but for you. You may think I don't know you, but I do! I know what it's like to suffer inside and feel all alone, but I learned that as life goes on you will meet people that you can't push away, that will care for you and will stay by your side no matter what! That person is called a friend and I want to be your friend, but not because I'm pitying you our want to 'fix' you, bit just because!"

Tears brimmed my eyes, but I never broke eye contact. The town loner stared at me for two minutes then turned his gaze to the floor.

"Do you really want to be friends with a freak?" He murmured.

"I would love to be your friend, but I don't see you as a freak." I smiled. He looked back at me the moment I said yes and for the years I have seen him, he smiled for the first time. He was about to say something when we suddenly heard the door open.

"Hello? Anyone in here?" Oh crap, it's my mom! If she sees me in here with a random guy, she'll freak!

"It's my mom!" I panicked and got up to open the stubborn kitchen window."You have to go!She'll freak out if she sees me with a guy!"

"Ok, but can we hang out some time?" My new friend asked and helped me open the window.

"Sure. Meet me at the Excelsior tavern at 7:30." By some miracle the window opened. My friend crawled out the window and turned to leave, but I grabbed his sleeve "Wait. My name is Elaine by the way. What's yours?"

He gave me a small smile "Connor." And ran into the night.


That's a nice name.


A.N: Hey, I hope you guys like this new chapter. Anyway, I was wondering something for the future of this book. Do you guys ship Boyf riends or Theatre geeks (I think that's the name for Jeremy and Christine's ship, idk)

Put this emoji for Boyf riends: 🎮

Or this emoji for Theater geeks: 🎭

Voting ends on August 26!

Thank you!!!!! 😄😄😄

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