Bad news and new beginnings

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Elaine's POV

"Oh no! How did this happen?" Evan hugged mom trying not to sound scared.

"Yeah mom, you're the best nurse in the field." I joined in the group hug "I'm sure you did nothing wrong."

Mom rubbed her eyes and looked at us with guilt written all over her face. "Well..."

~flashback in third person~

The elite members of the kingdom's knights had just returned from defeating a vicious dragon in the mining mountains. Naturally knights got hurt and when that happens the castle nurses are called, Heidi being one of them. Nurses scurried left and right to aid wounded knights, to Heidi it was a normal day at work.

"Heidi," a fellow nurse walked out of a room with a carrier pigeon and message "can you wrap things up here, I got a tweet that my little brother broke his arm."

"Sure Laura and I hope John Paul gets better."

Yes, it truly was a normal day. Well until...

"Hi, I'm-"


She ran into someone she never wanted to see.

~end of flashback~ back to Elaine's POV

"You punched a patient in the face?!" I gasped and stood up. Evan was just as shocked as I was. Mom looked down at the floor with shame.

"I'm sorry, my anger got the best of me."

"Who was it that you punched? You kinda left that out of the story." Evan asked

"Um...who I inflicted harm to is not important." Mom stated

I feel like she's hiding something.

"What's important is trying to find a solution to our problem."

"I can try to get back my job at the park." Evan suggested

"Evan you're broken arm is the reason why you had to take a leave of absence." I reminded him

"Dang it your right! Mom maybe you can join another medical group."

"I can try, but some nurses are major gossipers. The news of what I did probably spread halfway across the kingdom." She sighed and sat down on a stool " who knows how long it would take for me to find a new job and how are we gonna survive until then?"

The scenario of a horrible future plays through my head, we were already in hard times before this. We'll starve since we can't buy food and Evan and I are too chicken to kill animals! We're already behind on our taxes, if we miss this month's collection we could be throw in jail!

It will be hard for mom to join a new medical group and Evan would have trouble finding work due to his broken arm. 'Think Elaine, think! There has to be something I...can do'

"Oh my god, that's it!!"

"What?! What's wrong?!" Mom jumped at my sudden outburst.

"Sorry mom, but I just had a great idea! What if I get a job?"

This is the part when the person who comes up with a great idea gets credit like 'that's a great idea' or something. Instead mom gave me an uneasy look, sat down on the sofa, and sighed.

"Elaine I can't ask you to do that."

"But mom I'm the only candidate. Evan's broken arm would make it hard for him to find work. No offense Evan."

"None taken. Mom, Elaine has a point. Besides you said it yourself, who knows how long it's gonna take for you to find a new job."

Mom suddenly brought her face to her hands and broke down in tears. I gave Evan a worried look, we sat by her side and hugged her just. This reminds me of the day dad left and we all hugged each other. Mom sniffled and hugged us tight.

"I-I just *sniff* feel so guilty. I shouldn't be asking you two to clean up the mess I made." She whimpered "I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I'm not enough."

"Mom don't ever say that! We love you." Evan cried

I smiled "Remember that time on our eighth birthday. You came home early and surprised us with a homemade cake."

"Oh, and how during every winter you would go crazy with bundling us up so we don't get sick." Evan giggled at the memory "I couldn't move my arms."

I looked at mom and smiled "You have always been there for us, through good times and bad times. You have done so much for us, now it's our turn to take care of you."

Tears rolled down mom's face. She smiled and hugged us. "What have I done to deserve you two."

Though we're facing tough times, we still have each other. The love of my family is my strength and I have hope that things will get better.

A.N: Sorry for the long wait. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my mom who, along with my dad, works very hard to provide for this family.

A dream come true (a DEH & BMC fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora