Chapter 37

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-Leatham Series-

Daisy's POV

Six months later...

"Your daughter may already go home." My doctor — dr. Anne — announced us brightly.

At this time, Jake and I were in the doctor's office, sitting down across her.

"Really?" My eyes grew up bigger, indicating if I was so happy.

dr. Anne nodded slowly, there was a little smile crossed on her lips. "Her healthy is getting health from the day by day. I think... it because of your breast milk, Mrs. Leatham."

I felt so touched as I heard her sentence. I was so glad to be her healty reason. It was not in vain to me for not workout or diet as long as she still drank my breast milk.

"But, what if she was out of breath again?" Jake asked curiously. "What we have to do?"

"First. Don't be panic." dr. Anne turned her eyes at me and Jake alternately. "You two have to calm down if she was out of breath again. If she was out of breath again, you have to cover her nose with an oxygen mask as fast as possible. And, the oxygen mask only could be used for once. You must not using that repeatedly."

She turned her eyes at Jake. "I think, you should buy an oxygen mask and an oxygen tube as many as possible, Mr. Leatham."

"Don't worry, doc." Jake responded steadily. "I can take this."

"Why she doesn't use an inhaler?" I asked confusedly.

"She's still baby, Mrs." She explained politely. "Maybe if she was already three years old, you can teach her to use an inhaler." She paused. "Is there something else that you two want ask to me?"

"Can I breast feed her?" I asked to the point. This was something that I've been waiting for. Breast feed her.

dr. Anne smiled thinly, turned her gaze full at me. "Yes, you can. Congratulations."

I straight to cover my lips with my palms, shocked and happy at once.

Jake went his hand around my shoulder, pulling my head softly so that he could kiss my temple.

"Come on." dr. Anne got up from her chair. "It's time to pick your daughter up."

As soon as we got at the ICU room, dr. Anne gave Clover into my arms slowly.

"My daughter." I greeted her in my cute voice as I already carried Clover in my arms. She let out a soft laughed when I gave her an eskimo kiss softly.

She had a blue eyes like me and some of light brown strands hair like my Dad before he was bald.

Her sized was not too little anymore. She was already kind of fat. Might be it was effect from my breast milk.

"Thank you, doc." Jake said to her in a happy tone. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." dr. Anne said then left.

I turned my head to Jake, looked up at his eyes. "Have you packed her stuffs that I order before? From her cot, her bedroom and—"

"Of course, baby." Jake cut me off. "Everything is done."

"So, come on. We have to go home soon." I said excitedly. "Tristan and Nic must be already impatient to look their little sister."

"Okay, but after I buy an oxygen mask and oxygen tube for her."



"Here we go." Jake quickly got out of the car, opening the door for me. I got out of the car while carrying Clover in my arms. "Just go there first, baby. I'll follow you after I take our stuffs out."

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