.27. (Preview)

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Hey everyone, I'm so sorry that I haven't worked on this story in so long but as there have been a few new reads and votes on this lately, I thought I should post something.
I've been super busy of late and haven't had the time to post on any of my stories. However, here is a small preview to the next chapter. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the rest over the weekend.

Thanks to sticking with this story!

Much more to come!


Aragorn's POV

I stood, unable to move, staring at the spot where she had last been.

A feeling of indescribable loss washed over me the moment she pulled herself away and ran out of sight.

I had pushed her too far. I knew that.

Besides Frodo, who held the burden of the Ring, our journey had effected Deirdre the worst. And yet she was still a fiercely strong and independent woman.

When we had fought in the depths of Moria, I had seen her fight; her twin blades glistening like silver stars before being covered in thick goblin blood.

Something in Deirdre had come alive at that moment. She hadn't been the same woman I had met in Bree. She had become a lethal warrior.

She had become every inch the Warrior Princess of Lothlórien.

I had been in awe of her.

I didn't know when my feelings towards the strange woman had changed but since Arwen had freed me from my promise to her, Deirdre had slowly begun to occupy my thoughts more and more.

I had once thought Arwen to be the love of my life. Now, I felt a sense of calm and peace at the thought of her travelling west with her people. The Undying Lands was where she belonged. Immortality was her birthright.

Who was I to take that from her?

However, the sheer thought of the same fate befalling Deirdre, made my heart ache painfully in my chest.

The Elves all treated Deirdre with the love and respect of one of their own. It would not be unthinkable for them to offer her to travel with them once this war was over.

But would she accept that offer?

Would they live long enough for such an offer to even be made?

Most would be considered foolish to decline such an honour and yet I hoped with all my heart that she would. But to refuse would mean she had a reason to stay.

'Is everything alright?' Legolas asked as he and his new female companion ascended the stairs to where I stood.

'I do not know,' I replied honestly.

'Do not let doubt and fear cloud your heart,' spoke the soft voice of Nostariel, 'She is more stubborn than most. After decades of friendship with her, I have learnt to read her well enough. She does care for you. Just give her time.'

The elf maidens' voice was comforting but the fear and doubt lingered.

'My friend, you have been there for her since this quest began. Anyone with eyes can see the affection between you,' Legolas stepped forward and placed his hand upon my shoulder, 'Do not let what has happened here stop you from chasing your happiness.'

'I went too far,' I whispered.

'She is not Arwen, Aragorn. She will not be eager for such open affection until she comes to understand the depths of her own feelings. But Nostariel is right, she does care for you.'

'Have patience.' Nostariel said while stepping forward to stand beside Legolas, 'All will be well.'

I nodded, however, I couldn't fathom how anything would ever be well again.

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