.13. The Ring Goes South

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Deirdre's POV

I found Arwen standing before the gates of Rivendell awaiting the group of Elves that would be in attendance to wish the fellowship farewell.

Her hair was straight, which was unusual, with pieces pinned back out of her face. Her long lilac gown made her eyes stand out and the dark sash around her waist complemented her hair.

I approached her cautiously, worried that I may have offended her the previous day, but as I got closer Arwen noticed my presence and wrapped her arms around me.

I held her tightly until elves, dwarfs and humans alike all began to arrive.

No words were spoken between us, the gesture of a warm embrace was all that we had needed.

Finally once everyone had arrived, Lord Elrond began the proceedings.

'The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom and you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will.'

Standing by Aragorn and Legolas, I stood with the rest of the fellowship and listened to Lord Elrond speak. I smiled towards Arwen and placed my hand over the Evenstar that now hung around my neck, having put the necklace Lady Galadriel had given me in my bag. Arwen gave a small smile in response before bowing her head.

'Farewell,' Elrond continued, 'Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves, and men, and all free folk go with you.'

'The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer.' Gandalf spoke looked down at a nervous Frodo.

Frodo nodded towards the elves, turned and then walked through the arches of Rivendell.

'Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?' Frodo whispered.

'Left,' Gandalf laughed.

Frodo then lead the way out of Rivendell followed by Gandalf, Gimli, Boromir, Pippin, Merry, Legolas, and Sam. Aragorn and I both paused and looked back a place we had considered home at least once in our lives; a place we may never see again and would never be the same again after Arwen's departure. Arwen looked up at us to exchange a long glance. Her eyes held sadness and doubt, but also hope. Aragorn smiled down at me as he placed his hand on my shoulder before squeezing it in support; Aragorn then nodded his head and followed the others.

I looked at Arwen one last time just to see her swallow and bow her head, as if nodding to tell me to go. I turned away from Rivendell, never once looking back.


We walked for miles and miles; over mountains, past ancient ruins and over hills. The hobbits and Gimli struggled the most with their short legs, but, according to Merry and Pippin, their tough hobbit feet were perfect for the rocky terrain we had traveled across.

'We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us,' Gandalf said as we stopped to rest, 'and there our road turns east to Mordor.'

Sam instantly started a fire and prepared enough food for everyone, then once it was done, he walked over with a plate to Frodo, who was sitting down nearby, as he watched Merry and Pippin practice sword fighting with Boromir. Gandalf and Gimli sat close to one another eating while Legolas looked off into the distance. Aragorn had sat beside me on a log and then begun to smoke from his pipe.

Pippin was up first...and surprisingly wasn't doing terribly.

'Good, very good.,' Boromir said.

'Move your feet,' Aragorn suddenly said from beside me.

Merry was grinning from ear to ear as he watch Pip practice, 'You look good Pippin,' he said enthusiastically.

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