.24. The Words of Lúthien

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Deirdre's POV

When morning finally came, no rays of sunlight reached down upon the realm of Lothlórien. Instead silver Elven bells rung throughout the starlight halls and the Elves glowed with iridescent beauty.

It would have been a lie to say that waking up still wrapped in the arms of Aragorn had had no effect on me for it had surly been a moment which I would forever cherish and even once conscious, I lingered for awhile to remember the feeling. But before too long, as the Heir to the Throne of Gondor slept, I carefully removed his hold on me and exited the courtyard where our fellow campaigns all still rested; stealing one finale glance at Aragorn's peaceful face as I went.

Returning to my own room, I rid myself of the wretched green gown and readied a bath of hot water and scented oils. Submersing myself in the warm liquid, I breathed in the smell of the lilac oils, immediately feeling far more calm and relaxed then I had for some time. My black hair floated weightlessly in the water and my skin turned red from the heat. Only once the water had began to cool did I emerged from the bath and found a silver robe to wrap around my body.

Cleaned and dried, I dressed in a embodied white gown in the same design of Galadriel's own dresses. It made me look like one of them, like a true Elf; the light emanating from the Elves around me would reflect off the beaded jews making me seem to glow like they do.

Once I exited the room, I found Galadriel standing upon the same set of stairs where the fellowship had first seen her and Lord Celeborn. She looked off into the distance, her face devoid of emotion.

'Hiril vuin (My Lady),' I whispered as I approached, 'Goheno nin (Forgive Me), I acted foolishly towards you last evening.'

'Henig (My Child), you have no reason to apologise. Though I do for the role I played in hiding the truth from you.' Galadriel replied, placing her delicate hand upon my shoulder.

'No Nana (Mother), you did what you must to protect those you held dear.'

Galadriel smiled, 'You call me mother and yet you were born a century before me.'

'I have no memory of my life before becoming Deirdre. You raised me as your own, therefore you will forever been know to me as such.' I replied wholeheartedly.

'I am glad you feel this way, for you shall always be connected to me; after all you are the ancestor of my Granddaughter.'

'Arwen! Arwen is my descendent?' I asked as I sat upon the white stone steps of Lothlórien.

'She is the child of Elrond who is the Grandson of your own son to Beren.'

'Dior,' I whispered.

'You know his name,' Galadriel said as she sat beside me, 'How have you come to learn this?'

I hesitated, would she think me mad if I told her the truth?

'Last night, as I slept..Beren came to me.'

'What did he do? What did he say?' Galadriel became increasingly interested in what I had to say. Perhaps she wouldn't think me made after all.

'Nothing. We sat by a stream surrounded by flowers. He held me close and told me of our son and that I should not go seeking answers which I do not wish to know.' I smiled.

'It was dangerous of him to show himself to you as he did. He took a great risk in doing so.'

'I know,' I said quickly, 'But as much as I couldn't remember him, he made me feel safe; he felt like home.'

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