.2. Nostariel

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All Rights Belong to J

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All Rights Belong to J.R.R. Tolkien

I did not mount my horse straight away deciding to go on foot for a while as to not tire the poor creature. I had plenty of time and no need to rush my journey.

I had not gotten far when I knew that I was being followed. The tracker was clearly an Elf as to anyone else's ears, they left no sound as they went, but my ears were trained to pick up even the slightest changes in the forest. Not to mention I could smell the sweet scent that lingered upon all Elves from a mile away.

'I know your there,' I called out, 'there is no need for you to hide.'

When I finished speaking I saw long white hair emerge from behind a nearby tree.

'Nostariel, what are you doing?'

She seemed ashamed at having been caught.

'I wanted to make sure that you made it out of the forest safely, after all it has been a long time since you ventured this far out.'

'You can not follow, Nostariel.' I said wishing for her to go back. She was just prolonging the pain of saying farewell if she followed.

'I know,' she replied, 'I asked, no, I begged Lady Galadriel to allow me to accompany you but she refused me. Something about this being your fate and not mine.'

'She was right to do so.' I replied, returning to walking my horse through the forest.

'How can you say that? Does my friendship mean so little to you?' Nostariel yelled in outraged.

'Little to me? Mellon, (friend), you are mistaken. It is because of your friendship that I wish you to stay. I could not live with myself if you did not survive. Besides, Haldir would surely have my head if such a thing happened.'

'Oh, please, he is far too much in love with you to ever treat you that way.' She scoffed.

'You are mistaken.' I replied coldly.

Nostariel waked beside me slowly. Her silver gown blowing in the wind.

'I know my brother well enough to know where his heart lies. For years I had hoped that you would notice and begin a romantic attachment towards him, but that was not to be seen. He practically ran from your farewell party as it pained him too much to watch you leave. Especially after that hug, my goodness, that will remain the highlight of his life for the next century.' She giggled and I found that I could not remain mad at her. She who had been there for me like a sister through so much.

'If all that were true, why not just be forthcoming with this knowledge. Why would he keep his feelings hidden?'

Nostariel looked at me in shock.

'You are favoured by Lady Galadriel. He always expected that you would marry some rich and influential Nobel man.'

I groaned and cringed at the thought.

'That kind of life is not for me.'

'You say that now.' Nostariel whispered in hope that I wouldn't hear but when I looked she knew that I had heard.

We continued in silence for sometime before I decided that it was time to send her back.

'Nostariel, the hour grows late. You should head back.'

She sighed and looked at me, defeat in her eyes.

'I know. I thought that if I walked with you awhile that I could pretend we were just out hunting. Unfortunately, it has not worked as well as I had hoped.'

I took Nostariel's hands in mine.

'Fear not, dear friend. I will return with many stories to tell,' I smiled at the petite elf before bringing her into a tight embrace, 'always remember that I am with you in your heart and that your friendship means more to me then life itself.' I whispered to her.

Nostariel teared up again and nodded her head.

'Dry those eyes mellon, (friend).' I said as I mounted my horse and looked down at her tear streaked face.

'If you meet any handsome man on your travels, do remember to introduce me upon your return.' She laughed through her tears.

I laughed wholeheartedly and replied, 'I'll be sure to bring you back a nice dwarf. One with the biggest beard that anyone has ever seen.'

She scrunched her face in disgust and declined the offer.

Taking one last look at my dear friend, I tried to memories all the details of her face; from the way her hair sparkled in the light to how her blue eyes look so sad even as she smiled at me.

I sighed and pulled my hood over my head.

'Keep an eye on the horizon, don't feel ill towards me leaving and above all else...stay safe.' I said as my partying words. Farewells and goodbyes were far to final and to sad to speak.

Nostariel made no reply, or more appropriately, I gave her no chance as I set off in a steady pace, leaving her to stand and watch as I galloped away.

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