Epilogue - The Sun hasn't died

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Jack was surprised to find himself on the rooftop of the hospital against his will. Just a moment ago, he was in the room with his son and Vera; now, he was involuntarily moved. How?

"My apologies, Jonathan," sounded from behind him and he spun quickly, recognizing the voice. "I thought we should talk alone."

"Castiel," he whispered in awe. The angel who had saved his son and his daughter-in-law-to-be.

"Yes. I'm here to give you peace of mind. It's your time to move on. Your work is done."

Jack blinked, surprised. His work? Peace of mind?

"What... what does that mean? Are you... taking me somewhere?" he asked, worried. Where would he take him? And he couldn't just leave Matt! Especially not now when he discovered he could help him, just like he did in the warehouse!

"You did help, yes. But do you remember the anger you felt when you interfered for the first time?" the angel reminded him kindly, making an appeal to the shame that had stroke Jack afterwards as if he could read his mind. Hell, he probably could. "It will cumulate and blow up. That's how vengeful spirits are born. You could hurt someone, even accidentally. I'm sure you wouldn't want that."

Jack shook his head rapidly. No, he wouldn't. But he didn't want to leave Matt alone either.

"Your son won't be alone, Jack," Castiel switched to the name that was closer to him. "You met face to face with the woman he chose. You know he's in good hands."

Jack swallowed nervously, looking up to the angel's eyes. There was nothing but kindness in them – with just a spark of conviction. He was right, but the urge to stay – to be the father, the protector, the invisible shoulder to cry on... it was rooted deeply in him. He had always been there.

"You did everything you could, more than that. Believe that and believe in her. And have faith our Lord will watch over them."

Have faith. Everyone always said that. Seeing a real-life angel again, seeing his power... the goodness leading his actions... it helped. Jack chest was still tight at the idea of leaving his son, but he could feel the pressure had eased slightly.

"Can I... can I see him one more time?" he asked shyly, giving in involuntarily. Maybe it was time. If for nothing else, than for actually protecting his son from what he himself could become if he would say no.

"Of course. But I can promise you it won't be the last time you'll see him. You'll meet him again where I'm taking you."

The wave of relief washed over Jack and the angel took him downstairs for the last time. Matt was kneeling by the bed with Vera's sleeping form, praying again.

"He's praying for your soul too," Castiel informed him gently and Jack blinked away the stupid tears they gathered in his eyes. He walked to his son, placing his hand on his shoulder. Matt faltered in his prayer as if he could feel it and his body shivered before he continued. Jack smiled.

"I love you, Matty. And I'm always with you." He squeezed his shoulder before letting go with a heavy exhale. "Let's go before I change my mind."

Jack closed his eyes and they did.

"Dad!" cheerful voice called out and Jack barely managed to open his eyes again before a six-year old kid with dark hair collided with his legs, making him huff.

He automatically bended down, raising his son to his arms – damn he was heavy for such a scrawny kid.

"Hey, kiddo. How was class today?" he asked, smiling widely, tears pricking in his eyes.

"It was great! Mrs. Lawrence..."

Jack shamelessly turned off his ears and focused on the bright smile and eyes shining with excitement at learning something new. That was his Matty. And they were home.

It wasn't the only moment he got. His son thanking him for his support after graduation, hugging him firmly. Going out for a glass with him and Foggy to celebrate the decision to start their own firm to protect the small men. Matt introducing Vera to him officially, his blind eyes twinkling with happiness at the two people he loved the most meeting each other. Cleaning a cut on his face with Vera being out of town. The pair announcing their engagement. Matt celebrating a win of a big case with him over a beer...

This, this was heaven.


Castiel came back to Hell's Kitchen the next night, few hours after Vera was released from the hospital. Matt wasn't patrolling the streets that night – he was asleep, his arm locked securely about his fiancée, being well-aware of how close to death she had been. A little he could know she hadn't, that the way everything had happened always had been the plan, created a long before he was even born. Everything was the way it should be. Almost.

Castiel reached out so his hands were hovering over the humans' heads. He needed to focus. Alternating memories was a delicate process and he wanted to do a better work than his brother had done, he wanted them to remember something.

Being fully aware Vera had been taken and had almost died for example? Definitely staying, so their bond remained as strong as it had grown due to the recent events. Matthew somehow being aware of his father being proud of him and approving of his choice of beloved? Absolutely. His faith in God consolidating, the feeling of being loved by their Father? That had to stay this time.

On the other hand, the awareness of the supernatural beings and the Winchesters? Not so much. Their fates couldn't remain tangled together, that would do nothing good and it would make Matthew's work – both civil one and night one – significantly more complicated. Meeting an angel fell into that category as much as the horrors of djinn's doing or killing the creature.

The vigilante had tracked down the criminal and he had been already dead for hours, killing himself with the same poison he had used on his victims. A short -lived serial killer. World was full of those, it was a perfectly believable tale; Castiel just had much more minds and things to alternate, but it was worth it, it was for the greater good.

Luckily, he had all power of heaven at his disposal.

So, Castiel powered by Heaven is a bit of a dick playing God, but he means well. He always had. You can punch me for letting Matt forget yet again, but at least this time I was gentler.

Also, I might have cried a little when writing about Jack meeting kid!Matt in Heaven. Just FYI. I'm that much of a sap that my own writing is making me cry. Or the writing is that bad, it's hard to tell :D I was arguing with myself whether add Maggie or not for a while and in the end decided not to. I believe Jack still misses her, but at the point he had got to Heaven, Matt had become his whole world. You can fight me on that topic.

And if the titles of the chapters sounded familiar, I admit I listened to Imagine Dragons' Radioactive a lot ;)

Anyway, guys, this is it. Thanks for reading ♥


Tiny announcement: Apparently, I have some trouble putting my keyboard down even when I'm on verge of getting kicked out of college. Point – there is something in making.

(Un)fortunately, after a year with Verdevil (a wonderful year), we got a bit fed up with each other and we need a break, so I'm putting them to ice (which is a hilarious choice of words, if you stay tuned for me as an ff author, you'll see why), even when there's an outline for the Damned and the actual end is written down. Just wanted you to know that. 

Hope some of you will stick around to see what's to come either with Damned or my fics in general. 

Love ya!

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