2) Ash and dust

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She was standing in front of the man, unable to say a word.

Jack Murdock. Jack freaking Murdock. Matt's father. Now, when he introduced himself, she recognized him, absolutely sure he wasn't lying. He truly was her sort-of-future-father-in-law. Shit.

"Ježišmarja..." she muttered, not letting go of his hand, feeling as if the limb didn't even belong to her. "I'm... I'm sorry I told you to shut up and... and yelled at you, sir."

She gulped, seeing an amused spark in his eyes as he set her hand free.

"Can't say you didn't have the right," he offered with a sigh.

Vera bit her lower lip. "I'm still sorry. I... it's an honour to meet you, sir. Though... it's really not a typical meet-the-parents situation. Then again I did make a fool of myself, so..."

"You really don't need to worry about that, Vera. This is... not how I would imagine this happening either. Can't always have what we want."

"I can't argue with that one," she breathed, taking all of this in. Oh Jesus fucking shit, she was dead and she was meeting her boyfriend's dead father. Not really something she could have prepared for and... she was fucking dead.

She glanced back at Matt, who was still leaning against the wall, his chest rising and falling heavily, his breath hitching irregularly.

"This is really bad. You shouldn't be here, Vera. That's..."

"What is 'here'? What is this? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Some place before any of that? I don't think I ever believed in afterlife—I-- I don't want to be d-dead. I'm about to--- I'm about to get married. I'm twenty-three for god's sake! I'm---- I- " she stuttered, her breathing getting significantly difficult as she was coming to the realization that her life was indeed over, she was-

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Vera. I honestly hate this," he said in earnest and Vera grimaced, looking up to the ceiling, clenching her fists to fight off the tears. "I don't want you to be here-"

Vibration of a phone under the broken table made them all jump; it was the burner, Vera figured, since Matt managed to smash his other phone. She shivered at the memory of his rage.

The only living person in the room snatched for the device in almost inhuman speed.

"Vera?" Matt breathed to the phone with reverential hope, his tone making something in Vera shift, her heart cracking. Oh Matt, Matty... I'm so, so sorry.

Sorry, mum. Dad. Mechy. Terri. Anna. Jitka. Marky. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck...

Naturally, it wasn't Vera's voice on the other end of the line. There was a short silence.

"You still haven't heard from her. Shit," the male voice stated, sounding familiar. Brett?

Matt's hands shook, the free one curling up in fist, his lower lips trembling inconspicuously; he tried to set his jaw tight, his eyes squeezing shut. It was a picture of pain Vera hated and there was nothing she could do to sooth the pain; hell, she was the one who had caused it. And not just to him. The others just didn't know yet.


"I'm sorry, Matt. I'm just calling 'cause someone brought her backpack to the station-"

Oh. That would explain why she hadn't had it when waking up in the alley. Probably? So someone had found her backpack but not her body? And ouch she didn't want to think of her... body.

Matt's teeth clicked. "Who?"

There was anger in his voice. Accusation. Why?

"I doubt she has something to do with her disappearance. The lady was like seventy. We'll find Vera. Why don't you come down to fill in the missing person forms? It's been over 24 hours-"

Things Unseen, Things Unheard *Matt Murdock*Daredevil x Supernatural* Damned*Where stories live. Discover now