7) Fit right in

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They met on the rooftop of Metro General, Cas patiently letting Dean park the borrowed car before phasing them on the prearranged location. Matt apparently almost had a heart attack when they appeared out of nothing and just few feet from him. Also, he threw a billy club on Castiel. The angel caught it, curiously examining the weapon.

"We mean no harm," he stated, sounding a bit wounded.

If the situation was different, Sam would laugh his ass off.

"What is this?" Matt asked, seeming too tired to be irritated, gesturing towards the celestial being.

"I'm Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord, Matthew. You should be familiar with me, except..." Cas titled his head to side, walking closer to the vigilante and examining him as if he was an exhibit in a museum.

If Matt was a dog, he would have had his ears back and he would have slid down, ashamed for his actions; it wasn't every day one would try and attack an angel. To be fair, Matt had no idea who he was dealing with. Sam was sure he was aware of the angel observing him closely now, but he didn't dare to move.

"You're shielded. Incredible," Castiel stated, indeed sounding incredulous.

Sam raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean 'shielded'?"

Castiel's hand wordlessly hovered above Matt's ribs, small symbols lightening up. Matt inhaled sharply at whatever sensation the action caused him and Dean paced to him, shocked as much as Sam.

"Are those-"

"Yes, Dean. The protective sigils, same as you and Sam have. Preventing angels from finding him. And-" his hand moved up, small anti-possession symbol shining at Matt's collarbone.

"Anti-possession symbol. How is that possible? I mean... it is carved into his bones?"

Castiel retreated, allowing the vigilante to breathe in. "Not really. It's... it's like an invisible ink. It's very advanced. It even has... a protection of some sort, it's shifting constantly – if fractured ribs would threaten the continuity, the sigils would move before it would happen so they wouldn't crack. It's quite extraordinary. And there are..."

"What?" Sam asked cautiously, expecting another bombshell to drop. Though this one was a pretty hard to top – how was something like this even possible?

"There are... traces of grace in him."

"Angel grace?!" Dean blurted out, measuring Matt from head to toe in disbelief. Not that Sam was much better. "You're kidding me. So some angel just shielded him? Why? For the fun of it?"

Castiel shook his head. Matt was still standing as a statue, barely breathing, no doubt lost, unable to catch up with their discussion.

"He also has a wall in his head. That's why he can't remember us. His memory was alternated."

"What? By who?!"

"By someone much more powerful than a regular angel," Castiel added seriously, his eyes wide in surprise. "This is an archangel work."

Sam's blood ran cold. "Lucifer?"

"No. No, there's nothing evil about it, it's... more like... mischievous."

Sam couldn't let out a word, too shocked to find his voice.

"Gabriel? Freaking Gabriel?! How-" Dean paused, apparently having a revelation. "He must have been following us. Wow, that dude really didn't know boundaries, did he?"

The trio fell into silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

Matt cleared his throat. "I'm... sorry, but... are you saying... I have some sort of an angelic essence in my body?" he asked shakily, voice barely audible.

Things Unseen, Things Unheard *Matt Murdock*Daredevil x Supernatural* Damned*Where stories live. Discover now