chaptor 4

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and as i sank deeper into the darkness a guy in a tutu started singing lollipop while prancing around like a ballerina. Ya right!!!! lolz but that would be amusing to watch. I mean seriously like i could afford a hospital. ha ha ha that would be so funny if you bought it. okey dokey back to reality. My crew had been generous enough to let me lay down in the flip room cuz it is the only place with any form of softness. my head was ringing from a major headache that occupied it and my whole side hurt like crazy from my really sore rib that could be fractured by what i felt but, hey what do i know i am no where near an expert. I slowly tried to get up but the pain became unbearable and i quickly fell back to the ground probably gaining some faint bruises on my back.

Stupid dude. stupid dude. i hate you

i started to chant in my head but, don't ask me why i just randomly think things some times. Man i really do hate that stupid dude. I mean seriously he was basically begging to be kidnapped or worse murdered when he just walked up to me and asked for a ride home and with those clothes........ I cant even begin to explain his stupidity. But, the most stupid thing he did was talk badly about my friend and that was an almost fatal mistake for him if lily hadn't pulled me off of him and practically dragged me out of the store.

Grrrrrrr if i ever see him again i will beat him until he is unrecognizable by his own mother

*Anger problems much* charlie said in a sarcastic voice.

Grrrrrrr i hate her sometimes but, i cant really get rid of her because she is in my head. Yup i hear voices.......... wait let me correct that. I hear a voice as in one, uno, single starting to get the picture. I'm not crazy or anything I just have this voice in my head (extremely annoying voice) and its usually right about the advice it gives me so i listen to it but, that does not mean i like it. Its like that little unwanted help that you can't refuse if you know what i mean.

I do not have anger problems I thought back to her seeming to seep out of every poor. She is always saying that i have anger problems and i do not. Man, I just want to strangle her sometimes but, i can's cuz she is a stinkin voice. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Ya you totally don' t have anger problems* she said sarcasm dripping from her voice

"I do not have anger problems" I yelled out loud on accident. Crap if anyone thought i was crazy now they have proof. Thx charlie thank you so so so much i thought mentally sarcasm dripping on every word.

*okay as much fun as you are when you are mad...........*

Okay, can you skip the whole dissing me thing and just tell me your oh so beloved advice oh heavenly voice I snapped at her.

*fine fine pushy much*

Anytime now i told her getting realy annoyed.

*Meaner you are no fun* she said in a childish voice. Yup my voice is a brat.

*hey i am not a brat you are just mean*

Okay cut the crap now what do i need to know i said.

*fine, next time you see that "stupid dude" as you call him watch him very carefully. there is something you need to know*

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