Chapter 6️⃣

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(Third person POV)

After 30 agonizing minutes of unpacking on his own, Jungkook rushed towards the door when he heard the doorbell ring, finally.

“Hey hyungs!” Jungkook smiled brightly at Jin and Namjoon, who were standing outside the door, both had a happy smile on their faces.

“Yah! I'm also here.” Jimin's voice made the smile on Jungkook's face disappear and he was scowling in no time.

“What are you doing here Jimin?” he asked, intentionally not referring him as ‘hyung’.

“Why yo-”

“Omg guys...STOB IT!”

“Hyung... it's stop...not stob...”

“Shut up Joonie!”


“OMG STOP!” Jungkook finally screamed out, not being able to take it anymore, the side of his head was starting to hurt again.

The three older guys looked at Jungkook, who had his hands on the sides of his head, panicked as they couldn't understand what was wrong with the boy.

“What happened to you?” Jin asked him while closing the door, looking at him with concern.

“My head...” Jungkook could barely say before he became light-headed and his body went limp.

Namjoon quickly rushed over to him, gathering his limp body in his arms, “Kookie? You okay?”

“Of course he's okay Joonie! Can't you see he's almost unconscious?” Jin spoke up, an annoyed look on his face, the sarcastic tone in his voice made the younger cringe.

“Guys let's not argue right now...” Jimin's now concerned voice caught their attention, and nodding their heads they supported Jungkook's body to the couch, laying him down on it.

“Ehh wonder what happened to him.” Jin said while staring down at Jungkook's pale face.

After clearing his throat, Namjoon said,“It's probably the liquor...”

“How is that possible though? He drank it should be out of his system by now...” Jimin replied, concern etched on his face.

“It's not the liquor itself...the ingredients...umm... I called the manager and he said that some sort of herb is used to make this liquor...and umm it causes hallucinations and headaches...” Namjoon replied, his head hung low.

“Then why do people drink this stuff??? Better...why do people make this stuff???” Jin said angrily, cursing whoever had the stupid idea of making this liquor.

“It's because he's a newbie...and he drank three glasses on his FIRST time... drinking small amount at first is the right way.” Namjoon said.

“Gosh... I don't think he's going to wake up...” Jimin said, looking at the unconscious Jungkook, “let's move him on his bed.”

The older guys nodded their heads, carrying Jungkook's body towards his bed.

“Should we leave the balcony door open?” Namjoon asked, looking towards the balcony door, which was right beside the bed, giving a clear view of Seoul city.

“Yeah... let's just do that.” Jin said, agreeing to Namjoon's idea and went to open the door.

“Why this the air so cold today?” Jimin asked, shivering, when the cold air entered the room.

“I don't let's get out of here. Kookie needs to rest.” Jin said

Nodding their heads, Namjoon and Jimin followed Jin out of Jungkook's apartment.

Right when the front door closed, a mysterious dark figure entered Jungkook's bedroom through the open balcony door.



I don't even interact with you guys... how rude of me.😅😅😅

So how you all beautiful people doing?😊😊😊

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