Travel to the Moon-Cave

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The Moon-Cave is a sacred place for cats that allows them to visit Starclan. Medicine cats and leaders go here, either to receive their 9 lives or to share tongues with Starclan when guidance is needed in desperate times.

To get to the Moon-Cave all cats must cross over the Thunderpath, but all cats must pass through Willowclan territory. Willowclan is very respectful and understanding about journeys to the Moon-Cave and lets all cats of the three remaining clans pass through with a warrior to guide them to the Thunderpath so there is no other trouble.

After crossing the Thunderpath, the black surface gives away to uneven dusty terrain full of sparse shrubs and thick undergrowth. The land on this side of the Thunderpath is full of diverse hills, and in one of the hills there is an entrance that leads down to a narrow passage way. Once the cat is inside the pathway they must find their way through dark tunnels using their whiskers to guide them into the main cave that reveals a hole in the ground full of clear water. In the middle of the deep pool of water is a stone, bright light is shone down from a small opening far above head onto the ancient rock which causes in to glow brightly in the cave.

The cats will lay down beside the pool and lap at the mystical clear water. After this action is taken the cats will begin their journey to Starclan by entering a deep sleep.

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