You know when you feel like your body is made of rubber because of relaxed it is.  That was exactly how I felt at the moment.  I wish my everyday life was like this.  

I took longer than I planned and this time, I dressed in the bathroom.  I put on my yoga pants because I knew my dad will make me work my ass off, and a plain black shirt.

When I got out of the shower my room was empty and there was a new text in my phone.

Had to go take care of something.  Text me when you're done with your dad and I'll come pick you up.

Oh well,  guess I have to get this over with.  I didn't even bother to dry my hair, I just put it in a bun and left.

"I don't think she's ready for this."  I heard my mom say, her voice was so serious that it kind of scared me.

"Caroline, she's 17.  You were younger than her when you found out, and besides with all the training she gets, there won't ever be a problem."

"No, Steven, I don't want her exposed to this just yet.  I want her to enjoy the little bit of life she has left.  And you know that I don't like that you make her go through all this training."

"Look, I know you want her to have a normal life, and I want that too, I really do, but you know that's not going to be possible. And-"

The large vase I was standing behind fell, and I was standing there looking as suspicious as ever.

What didn't they want me exposed to?  I felt that twist in my stomach that made me want to throw up.  What are they trying to keep from me?

"Scarlett, what took you so long, I woke you up 30 minutes ago? What were you doing up so late yesterday?"

"I can ask you the same thing.  You weren't even home by the time I came."

"Are you interrogating us?"

"No dad, I'm just asking you about your night."  I know he knows I heard him.  Why was he acting like that?  

"You're late for your training."  Ugh, that's it. 

"No."  I can hear the angry in my voice, that's why I bit my tongue from saying another word.  I knew if I didn't let it out, I would burst into tears later, but I can't just yell at my parents that way.  Even though I felt so betrayed by them, well mostly my dad, right now, I still held respect for them.  And once I started I won't stop til there was at least some damage done, just like last time.

"What do you mean no?"

I took a deep breath and thought through every word I was going to say, "Look, dad, I'm not feeling well.  I need to get some fresh air or something."  My voice sounded so controlled that it almost seemed dead.

"Okay, then later, we can make up for it."

"NO!" I yelled at last.  I know what he's trying to do.  He always does it.  He acts like nothing is wrong to try to manipulate you to believe so, except this time something was wrong.  Something was very wrong, and I can feel it in my gut that it wasn't like last time.  It was bigger, way, way bigger.

"Steven."  My mom voice held a tone to it that I couldn't quite grasp.

He sighed, "Okay."  And he just walked out.

"Scarlett, honey, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, mom.  I just need to leave right now."

"Honey, if there's anything, I'm here for you."

I didn't reply.  I just left.  How was she going to be there for me when she was keeping things away from me?

I didn't bother to change on my way out, I just grabbed a coat and left.  Should I text Eddie?

No.  Not now anyways.  I just needed time to think.

I walked and walked, my thoughts were in a million places at once.  

How could my life get so complicated in merely a week?  It used to be so easy.  It was just my parents and me.  Then came along Eddie, but that was also easy.  It always just seemed to happen naturally around him.  I don't know, how it all came out of control.

Now, it's not my parents and myself, it's more like them against me.  Eddie was a whole other story.  One minute, I was kissing him and it was just happening so easily with no thought to it.  The next, I was feeling bad about it, like I know who I should be with and my own body reaction was just confusing me. Does this happen to everyone? Was it just me?  Did I do something to deserve being stuck in this cascade of drama?

You hear people say, it's times like these where you learn life lessons.  What was the life lesson in this?  Don't trust your own parents? Make out with your bestfriend in your room while having a completely different boy intoxicate your every thought?

I don't know how long I've been walking, heck I didn't even know where I was.  

I was only aware that I was somewhere deep inside the woods when I tripped over a twig. 

Wow, this place was beautiful.  It was all green.  There was a big tree hanging on the edge of the forest.  Behind was a stream.  I heard it before I saw it.  The whole scene was by far breathtaking.  I didn't know how I got here or how deep in the forest I was.  But, you only come across scenery like this once in a lifeime.  I sat down under the tree.  Even though it was freezing, the leaves and grass were as green as ever; it was magical

I can feel the cold stabbing into my thigh because of how light these stupid yoga pants were.  Okay, I'll admit, this is way more relaxing then a hot shower.  I felt my mind go numb and in an instant all my earlier thoughts had disappeared.  Again, magical place I tell you.  

I think I might have dosed off at some point because I woke up to the sound of footsteps.  I was instantly alert.  I looked around but no one was in sight.  I read about this you know, a girl wonders off into the forest alone, can't find her way back and BAM.  She gets slaughtered.  

After a couple minutes of me examining the forest, I slightly relax because maybe my thoughts were really just playing tricks on me.  I didn't sit back down though, I just leaned against the tree.

Okay, maybe it's time I called someone.  I'll just text Eddie and tell him I'm lost.  He'll find me, I know he will.  Except he's not even from here.  God, why did I have to be so oblivious at times?  I took out my phone just to see that I had no signal. Great, how am I supposed to get out of here?


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