Chapter 26

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Gabriella's POV

It was the night before Michael was supposed to go and see his dad, or Joey as he preferred to call him. I looked over at the big red numbers on the clock, it read twelve thirty in the morning. I couldn't sleep because I was nervous for today. It wasn't even something for me to worry about because it didn't affect me directly. I just wish I could fall asleep so I could wake up again, not having to lay here staring at the t.v.

I jumped a little when my phone buzzed next to me, making the whole bed vibrate. I pushed some blankets back to reveal my phone saying I had a text from Michael.

Michael: look out your window

Confused, I did as the message said and looked outside. I saw nothing until I looked down at the ground and saw him standing there. I opened the window slowly, making sure it didn't make a noise.

"Rapunzel, let down your hair!" He called, putting his arms outward like he was going to catch my hair. I rolled my eyes and pushed my hair back behind my ear. It was so cheesy of him to do something like this.

"What are you doing Michael? It's almost one in the morning." I questioned. I couldn't imagine how Michael felt. He was going to see his dad in a matter of hours, if I couldn't sleep, I wasn't surprised he couldn't either. 

"Come outside." He smiled up at me. "Oh and don't change or anything." I closed my window and fumbled through my clothes to find a jacket. Finding one, I put it over my head and pulled it down, searching through the dark for shoes. I figured Michael didn't care if my Toms matched my blue sweatpants and gray hoodie. As I slowly opened my bedroom door, I looked down the hall to see if my parents door was open. Luckily it wasn't. Seeing that the coast was clear I continued to quietly make my way down the stairs and out of the house. "You could've just climbed out your window." 

"Hell no. I am not risking some sort of injury." I stuffed my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. "Why didn't you just come through my window or called me? I would've answered." If he thought I wasn't going to answer then he was mistaken. There had been plenty of times when he would call me at ten and I would hear him snoring on the other end at two in the morning. 

"Because I wanted to drive but I didn't want to drive alone." He said, still whispering. I noticed that his car wasn't parked in my driveway or on the curb. He probably parked it down the street so he didn't run the risk of waking up my parents. "I assume you weren't asleep." I shook my head in response. "You don't have anything to be nervous about. You should be asleep right now, Princess." Michael lightly pulled my hand out of the pocket it was in and intertwined our fingers. We swung our hands back and forth as was walked down the block to his car.

"It's fine. There was a really good episode of Spongebob on anyways." I joked. That got a little chuckle out of him. I liked moments like this with Michael. Moments when we didn't talk that much and we were just together. Finally we reached his car and we let go of each other until we got in, that's when he rested his hand on my thigh. "Where are we going?" I asked, not really caring if he answered or not.

"Anywhere. I just like to drive sometimes." His hands were cold when he moved his right hand to mine, tracing circles on the back of my hand with his finger. "I'm thinking about getting a tattoo." He said after moments of silence. Neither of us bothered to turn on the radio to fill the silence. Michael just drove and and I just sat there in the passenger seat, watching the, now colorless, trees pass us.

I turned away from the road to look at him. "Of what?"

"I'm not sure yet. I know I want it to have a meaning though because it's going to be on my body forever." I nodded, knowingly. I wondered about what he would get. For some reason my mind was drawn to the thought of him getting one about his mom.

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now