Chapter 21

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My mom had been fuming the entire car ride home. She refused to talk to me or turn on the radio, so we sat together in dead silence. It wasn't any better when we got home. She told me that she was going to talk to my dad about my behavior, which she wasn't too happy with. I thought she was blowing this way out of proportion. Sure I had skipped school to make out with my boyfriend but it wasn't like I do it all of the time. "Go to your room until you father gets home." I obeyed her rules and ran up the stairs to my room, only to find Michael waiting for me. I shut the door behind me and sat next to him on my bed. 

"She hates me doesn't she?" He asked worryingly. He looked cute when he was nervous, like a scared puppy. "Will your dad kill me? If he does can you give me a heads up? I can explain it to him, I really didn't think we would get caught." 

"Michael everything will be fine." I reassured him and rubbed his back, even though I wasn't fully sure that everything was going to be okay. 

"Look, Princess, I know we haven't been dating that long but I really do love you." He smiled as he took my hand and laced our fingers together. "I just hope your parents like me. It would suck if they kept you away from me." I loved Michael too and I agreed with everything he said. I didn't care that we only had been official for a month, we'd been friends long before that.

"They couldn't keep me away from you even if they tried. Besides, I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions on who I want to date. If they don't like that then they can just deal with it."

"Gabriella, I don't mean to change the subject, but when do you think you'll hear my song?" He was right. I hadn't listened to his song because I was too busy being mad at him.

"You could call the guys and tell them to meet you in Ashton's garage." I scooted closer to him, our faces inches away from each other. "You can take me over there and play it for me."

"But what about your parents? They'll notice you're gone." He asked worryingly. Poor Michael didn't want to get me in trouble. But right now I was all for trouble.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine. Our lips were right on top of each other's. "Call your friends." I whispered and pushed him away. He looked at me with a blank stare, like he expected me to kiss him.

I laid back and waited for him to call his band members. I liked seeing Michael from the back. He sat with a small hunch and his hair was wilder in the back than it seemed in the front. I swung my legs around and put them on his lap. Michael turned back to me and smiled, "Hey buddy I think it's time we break out the new song." He said to Ashton. "Yea just call the rest of the guys and we'll be over soon. I have a pretty funny story to tell you too." He turned to the side and it amazed me how great his profile was. His lips curved perfectly and his nose was cute, small, and round. "Thanks I'll see you soon." He hung up. "Are you going to climb out your window or what?" He asked me. I hadn't thought about that. I really didn't want to risk climbing out of my two story window and fall on to the lawn. "I'll meet you outside in two minutes." I kissed his cheek and sent him through the window. I didn't see how he did made the climb. 

I peeked down the stairs to see if my mother was in the kitchen, luckily she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I crept down the stairs quietly until the last step when it made a noise when I stepped on it. "Gabriella?" My brother came out of nowhere. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked, suprisingly interested. "Are you sneaking out even though Mom is mad at you?" 

"Jason shut up." I put my hand over his mouth to keep him from talking anymore. "Ew! You licked my hand you little brat!" I retracted my hand and wiped his saliva in his shirt. 

"What if I go and tell Mom right now that you're sneaking out to be with your boyfriend." He threated, folding his arms across his chest. It was some sort of rule to never negotiate with the enemy, but right now the enemy had a lot on me. I had no choice but to give him something. 

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now