Chapter 20

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Michael hadn't bothered to speak to me in over a week and it was killing me. I tried to call him, speak to him in class and ask Luke if he wanted to talk to me. I didn't know how much longer I could go without speaking to him. Michael was also mad at Ashton for speaking to Sasha, so we were both currently on Michael's list.

"Hey," Ashton slid into the seat next to me during lunch. "I figure I'd sit with you. Michael might have turned them all against me."

"You shouldn't be punished for this, Ashton. You didn't do anything wrong." A couple days into me and Michael's fight Ashton had told me that Sasha approached him when he went out for water. He told me that she was trying to use him to get to Michael.

"I tried to tell Michael that but he won't listen to me. He's too stubborn." Ashton huffed and rested his head on his hands. I could tell how hard it was for him being ignored by his best friend.

"Well it could be worse." I pushed my tray away from me. "You could be me. You could have a boyfriend who won't talk to you because he thinks that you don't trust him." I felt like crying. This entire week I've felt like crying. When Michael walked into homeroom the day after I almost burst into tears.

"Gabriella I don't want it to seem like I'm not on your side, but you haven't exactly given him great reasons to prove that you trust him." Ashton told me. It sounded exactly like he wasn't on my side.

"What am I supposed to do? Do trust fall exercises with him?"

"You wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't believe James and Sasha in the first place." He folded his arms across his chest, covering up the writing on his shirt which read The Clash. It wasn't my fault I was bad at relationships.

"I'm sorry!" I burried my face in my hands. "It's just that I really like Michael and sometimes I think I may look for an excuse not to."

"So you're afraid of what? Falling in love with him?" I shrugged. Michael was the best boyfriend I had ever had. He was funny, nice (to me at least), good looking, and smart, maybe I was falling in love with him. "Gabriella I can tell you right now that if you actually talk this thing out, he will forgive you. Trust me I know my best friend. He loves you and I think if you showed him that you felt the same way you could live happily ever after."

"I guess you're right."

"You guess? I know I'm right" Ashton sounded so sure of himself.

"But what about you?" I asked. "I don't want to be happy when you aren't."

"The only reason Michael is mad at me is because of you," that made me feel like a great friend, "so if you and him are all lovey again, you can clear my name." I looked at Ashton, unsure of his plan. Just because Michael would be happy with me doesn't mean he would with Ashton. Ashton still talked to Sasha, which was something Michael made clear he didn't want his friends doing. "Just go. It'll be fine!" He said and gave me a little push out of my seat.

I walked over and sat down in the empty seat next to Michael. As soon as I sat down Luke and Calum started staring at me, Michael on the other hand didn't bother to look at me. "I need to talk to you." I said to him and still got no response. I turned to Luke and Calum, "can you two please give us some privacy." Without any hesitation they both got up and left. "Now will you please speak to me?" I asked my boyfriend. "I don't like that you're not wanting to talk to me. It's been a tough week and a half."

"If it was hard for you imagine how hard it was for me." Michael finally spoke up. How could it be hard for him? He was the one who walked out on me. "You just don't get it do you Gabriella? I would do anything for you and in return you give me nothing, not even your trust. It really sucks, Princess." He was right. He treated me like I was an actual princess but I hardly gave him anything. "I know what you're thinking. Your wondering how this was harder on me than it was on you, well it's simple. The past week and a half all I've wanted to do was talk to you. I wanted to talk to you about how I wasn't talking to you, but I couldn't. And walking out on you in the music room was hard too because I knew all you wanted was for me to listen to you and I couldn't."

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now