Chapter 7

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Over the weekend I didn't talk to Michael. I was trying to avoid him after he called me gorgeous. So I spent most of my weekend with Luke.

"Gabriella why don't you just ask Michael out already?" He wondered on Saturday when both of us were at the mall food court. I opened and closed my mouth, trying to figure out what to say, like a fish. "You and him hated each other in the beginning then by some miraculous event, it all went away. I call it 'it was meant to be'."

"Luke shut up." I punched him lightly on his arm. "I don't know how these things form in your mind, but I'm not going to date Michael. In fact I don't want to date Michael." Lie. "I wouldn't want to date him if he was the last guy on Earth." Lie. "He's an ass and always will be, no matter how long he's nice to me." Half of that was true.

"Gabriella," he started, "we're just starting to actually be friends, and if we continue to be friends we may become best friends. And as a bro, to you and Michael, it would be my job to get both of you together. I could be like a wingman to both of you."

I sat back in my chair and stared at Luke. His blue eyes were big with excitement and his mouth formed a small smile. "I'm telling you that I don't like Michael like that." I was lying through my teeth. I was interested in Michael. I wanted to get to know him more, I thought he was gorgeous, he made me laugh and made me angry at the same time. I can't describe our relationship more than that.

"I'm going to ignore everything you just said and go with my original plan."

"How does this plan work exactly?" I wondered, folding my arms over my chest.

"I can't tell you that because you would ruin it." Luke shoved a handful of fries in his mouth. "What are you doing next Saturday?" He asked after he swallowed.

"Probably babysitting my brother."

"Well find a new babysitter because I'm inviting you to the party I'm throwing." I shrugged, "sure why not. My brother's a brat anyway."

Michael's POV

"Luke, did you really come here to tell me to ask Gabriella to your party?" I asked leaning up against the door frame of my room.

"No, I already asked her to come. Listen to what I just told you," Luke threw his hands in the air, "she likes you a lot and you need to make a move."

"I already tried that with calling her gorgeous. Remember? Or did it get lost in there?" I poked Luke's forehead.

"Did you think she was just going to jump your bones right then and there?" Luke pushed past me, not bothering to ask entrance into my room. "I think you should hang out with her all this week then BAM!" I flinched at Luke's sudden movement towards me. "You make your move."

"Why can't I do things my own way?" Luke was always trying to help me out when it came to girls. I think he tried to help me out because he couldn't help himself out. Luke needs to get laid.

"Because you guys are my friends and I want to see you two together."

"I'm gunna get you laid, Lucas. I think you need a need hobby." I went off on a tangent. "Don't get me wrong, I like you helping me out but you should help me help you."

"Michael I'm being serious!" Luke huffed and did a belly flop on my bed. "So am I." I chuckled. Luke flipped himself over, now looking at the ceiling. "You'll be thanking me when you and Gabriella are doing it on this very bed." I leaned against my dresser, waiting for him to realize what he just said. "That may have been weird but you get my point." I cocked my head. "I hate you." Luke said and excused himself from my room.


The next day I took my place in English, which was right behind Gabriella. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Hey Princess are you going to Luke's party on Saturday?"

Gabriella turned around in her seat, letting me see her brown eyes and perfectly white smile. "Are you?" God her voice is perfect.

"I asked you first, Princess."

"I asked you second, Clifford."

"Stop being so sixth grade and answer me." I demanded.

"Yea I am going. Now answer my question. Are you going to Luke's party on Saturday?" Gabriella moved a piece of her brown hair behind her ear, letting me get a glimpse of her neck.

"I kind of have to since we live together and the party is at our house." I answered.

"So then why is it Luke's party and not both of yours?" She questioned with a smirk.

"Because Luke needs to get laid. I figured that if he held the title of 'party thrower' it would make him seem more attractive." I said putting quotation marks around party thrower.

"Michael and Gabriella! If the two of you don't quit talking I'll give both of you Saturday detention." Our ever so lovely English teacher reprimanded. I could feel Luke's hard stare coming from across the room. I looked over and sure enough there he was looking at me with a death stare. Almost like he was trying to say 'don't come to my party and I'll burry your xbox'.

Gabriella's POV

After Mrs. Dunn caught Michael and I talking, I felt something being put in my hood. I reached for it and found a piece of paper with Michael's handwriting scribbled on it.

we're gunna get luke laid. meet me after school in the gym.


this was kinda a filler and I kinda liked it.

ps im sorry it seemed to take 3 years for the update. I hope you guys liked it and comment and vote ily

pps follow me on Twitter @BADLANDED  and we can be friends

Found // AU Michael CliffordDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora