Happy Family For Now Part 2

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Nique POV

I was so happy when my family came through the door. Especially my mom it was like I haven't seen her in years.

Tiny: OMG my baby is so beautiful.

Nique: I know I am. I missed you.

Tiny: I missed you to baby.

Nique: How have you been?

Tiny: I've been great how about you being a mom.

Nique: it's been awesome. He is such a great baby.

*knocking on the door*

Bre: I'll get it. *opens door* Hey ma!

Vanessa: Hey baby! Hey guys!

Everyone: Hey!

Bahja: Daddy!!!

Big G: I'm coming down now!!

Bahja: Ok everyone is here!

Shamara: Bahja you didn't tell me your dad was here!

Bahja: I know I'll tell the story you'll be shocked!

Big G: Bahja *shocked* Shamara is that you?

Shamara: Yes it's me William.

Bahja: So yea guys so let's sit down at the table and I'll tell you guys what happened to us a year ago.

Everyone: Ok

Luna: Bre help me bring out the food please!

Bre: ok!

Tiny: Who cooked all this?

Luna & Bahja: We did!

Tip: Damn this food is bomb!

*everyone finish eating*

Bre: Ok so here is the story *tells the story*

Shamara: So Bre you telling me that y'all were killing niggas out in New York?

Bre: Yes to protect ourselves and our family.

Shamara: Y'all are crazy.

Bahja: But now we aren't and nothing going to happen.

Luna: exactly.

Nique: Imma put Xavier in his crib. *Nique takes him upstairs*

Luna: Now let's party!!

*everyone parties hard*

*next day*

Luna: What the fuck happened up in here?

Bahja POV

I woke up to Luna screaming and I looked around the house it's a mess.

Bahja: Bae we partied to hard.


Everyone: Ok please stop yelling! it's to early for that.

Bre: But it's 4 in the afternoon.

Everyone: Oh crap!

So after we cleaned up the house they all left and Nique came downstairs with the baby and I grabbed him so quick and sat down and cuddled with him.

Luna: so what we gonna do today?

Bre: I'm down for the beach.

Everyone: ok

So we all changed and walked to the beach! (if y'all remember in The Best Mistake Behind Luna's house was the beach)

So we finally say down and we were cooling.

Bahja POV

So I'm chilling and I see this two familiar girls and I just can't put a name on their faces.

Genesis POV

Yes bitches I'm alive and me and Angel are chilling! But yeah I noticed there was a baby with them. I'm so pist that baby look like Bre so much that should have been me and Bre baby!

Luna POV

I saw these familiar girls. Like I can't put a name on them.

Luna: Bre don't that look like Genesis?

Bre: Where? *mad*

Bahja: over by the lifeguard.

Bre: *shocked* *whispers* fuck we gotta go!

Bahja: What the fuck is Angel doing here?

Nique: Of course these bitches wanna come back.

Luna: Everything is gonna be cool let's act like we never saw them and Bahja call your dad and tell him to meet us here now.

Bahja: Ok *calls dad* Daddy come here now be cool when we tell you when you get here *hangs up*

Big G: Aight I'm here what's up?

Luna: Be cool when I tell you ok?

Big G: What wrong?

Bre: Genesis is her and so is Bahja ex Angel.

Big G: What the fuck.

Bahja: Daddy relax so she coming our way we gonna go in your truck and we gonna go to a hotel tonight call your niggas to protect the house and us tonight at the hotel.

Genesis: *bumps into Bre* OMG I'm so sorry.

Bre: *tries to remain calm* It's ok *mumbles* fucking bitch

Nique: Bae can you take the baby please.

Bre: *Smirks* of course come here mommas baby.

Genesis: *gets mad and hides in a corner*

Bahja: Nice one Bre!

Bre: We'll I'm known for that!

Big G I'll be in the truck I'll take the baby y'all go and pack.

Nique POV

So after we packed all our stuff and we packed an extra bags just in case we gotta kill some bitches!

Bre: You ready baby?

Nique: Yup and that bitch is right outside knows where we live she in our tree!

Bahja: I got it *shoots at the tree*

Angel & Genesis: Oh Shit!

Bahja: *yells outside* don't fuck with us bitches.

Bre: run into the car! now!

Luna: I already put the alarm on the house!

Oh shit what gonna happen guys comment below.

Check out this story that is so good it's called "Thugs Can Love Too" the cover is Toni Romiti it's good read it please!! Thanks guys😘😘


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