64: growing pains / 2seok

Start from the beginning

"seokjin, chaeyong!"

jisoo runs up to the couple, pretty in her levi's shirt and black skirt, a wide pink gloss smile on her face. she looks at their lockers sympathetically, shaking her head. "that was kiki, by the way. posted it to the cheerleader groupchat."

"those bitches," seokjin curses, although he recognised the shade of lipstick right away and knew it was the sleek blonde cheer captain. jisoo's "boyfriend", the sweet faced junior jeongguk, hugs her from behind, making jisoo laugh. they're more friends than anything; seokjin's seen jeongguk making eyes at their friend taehyung, the tuba player of the school's marching band, during lunch. he's just helping soo out; thank god for the bisexuals, thinks seokjin, as he applys another coat of cherry coke chapstick.

"where we eating today?" jeongguk asks, walking alongside the three. he's a sweet kid, plays guitar for school shows and never gets detentions, hell, seokjin doesn't even think he smokes. probably the most innocent sixteen year old in this school, he thinks.

"band table," the oldest of the group answers, navigating his group through the hallways until they reach the water fountain; they've got five minutes to hang there until classes. "you can make eyes at the cute tuba player all you like, guk."

jeongguk blushes, holding jisoo's hand. "hyung! that'd be cheating!" he says, and the three burst into laughter. seokjin smiles; jeongguk's such a sweet kid, in his band jacket and nike shorts, fringe almost in his eyes and smile just a tad bit dorky. he and jisoo fit together, both of them sci-fi nerds who play magic: the gathering together on weekends. they'd be a good couple if soo wasn't madly in love with chaeyong.

"yeah, seokjin, that'd be cheating!" jisoo rolls her eyes, smiling wide. chaeyong smiles, kissing her girlfriend discreetly on the cheek, while seokjin drinks from the coppery water fountain. the bell goes and a sigh can be heard, as the four go their separate ways, chaeyong and jeongguk to the junior classes, seokjin and jisoo to the senior. maths is first on friday, and the two instantly feel their spirits dim as they enter the bland beige classrooms.

seokjin chews on his number 2 hb pencil with pearly whites, watching hoseok, who's just one row, two desks away. he's wearing a white tank that really exposes his arm muscles, and his hair is a little messy, skin a little sheened with sweat from an early game with his boys. seokjin's hand takes notes and his brain half-listens to mr kwon's boring equations, but his eyes stay focused on hoseok's muscled back, on his smile when aaron—the half american student from minnesota slash jeju—tells him a stupid joke or something from the desk to the side. our pretty boy has to rip his eyes away, though, to start solving a page of exercises, his wine red sunglasses hanging on his shirt and his spectacles on.

hoseok and his friends are goof-off, funny athletic boys, the kind seokjin's always sorta drooled over, top of the food chain but not too asshole-y. his best friend is jackson wang, the hysterical chinese student who likes to play pranks on everyone; seokjin once opened his locker on valentine's day and received a spray of pink heart shaped glitter directly into his face, as did every owner of uneven numbered lockers. he sometimes still finds glitter in the t-shirt he was wearing that day. their main group, seokjin and jisoo have observed, is hoseok, jackson, hyungwoo (probably the sweetest jock in school), shin hoseok (he prefers wonho), and seo johnny (american, rumoured to have slept with half the cheerleaders). they're the best players in school.

"seok," jisoo pokes him square in the back with her gold sparkly pen, and he turns around to look at her. "yoongi from band wants to know if we're heading to the party at namjoon's this weekend."

"kim namjoon? who does he eat with?" that's how to determine the social status of someone in foxhole; what clique someone eats with. there's several, seokjin and jisoo's clique being the band kids and the drama nerds, hoseok's the athletic yet nice guys.

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