33: the sea and the moon / namgguk

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( part 3 )

OVERVIEW the broken soulmates have found each other once again...

PLAYLIST universe / exo, thank you / got7, i love you / the rose

OUTSIDE OF THE CLUB was miserable compared to the inside. a veritable black and white stretch of concrete jungle; jeongguk hated it already. he hated how namjoon had had to see him with someone else. it was like when namjoon hurt, he felt it in his own heart.

the older male looked a mess now that they had left the club. namjoon's eyes were bloodshot, his expression downcast and hurt, and he looked at jeongguk with such a damn craving, such damn hurt in his poor hazel irises. jeongguk hated himself for falling for someone else, and he was about to apologise, all sweet voice and gentle "i'm sorry"'s, but namjoon was the first to speak, his voice as shaky as jeongguk's hands.

"i love you."

as if on cue, jeongguk's lips opened to speak, but he caught himself. could he say it back? was that the equivalent of cheating? jeongguk was a lot of things, but he was not a cheater. at least, he thought so; he and namjoon hadn't properly terminated their love, but namjoon wasn't around, so jeongguk had supposed it was okay and fuck, he'd really messed up, hadn't he?

"h-hyung, i'm sorry," jeongguk said in response, seeing how namjoon almost visibly flinched when he didn't retaliate the way he'd been expecting. jeongguk took a deep breath. he had to do this, didn't he? "i-i love yoongi. i do." he seemed unsure of himself. namjoon could see that, and he shook his head.

"no, you don't," namjoon responded rather bluntly. jeongguk stared at him indignantly, sudden anger welling up in him. anger and sadness, a deep prehistoric sadness, for it was written in the stars when they were first created that they were destined to fall for one another.

"how can you say that?" jeongguk spat, suddenly annoyed. it was all wrong, everything about the once spirits was wrong. "you don't fucking know that i don't love him! you can't just say that!"

"i know you don't," namjoon seemed so expressionless, so wooden, and it was then that jeongguk realised he had to be high. the red eyes, the stiff and blunt responses. it added up. "i know you, ggukkie. i've known you for the past century, you think i don't know when you're in love?"

jeongguk spluttered, not knowing how to respond, because namjoon was right, he was so fucking right. but jeongguk loved yoongi, didn't he? of course, it wasn't the same kind of love he had had with namjoon, he knew that, but he loved the other once-spirit. his eyes welled with frustrated tears; he was so angry at the world, he just wanted to scream. everything had been alright, he was over namjoon, but he wasn't prepared for this at all.

"joon, i- i," jeongguk tried, hard, to form a sentence. "i miss you."

it was nothing but the stone cold truth. it was everything jeongguk felt and more, and his chest ached when he see how namjoon was looking at him; like he'd hung the moon. it had been ten years, ten years since namjoon had last looked at him like that, and holy fucking shit, it hurt deep in his chest. he realised now just how much he had missed the sea spirit, who was looking at him with a sad sort of smile. a movie smile.

"i miss you too," namjoon mumbled, his deep voice rumbling low in his chest. jeongguk couldn't help but compare his and yoongi's voices. namjoon's was smooth, like honey, while yoongi's was like a scratched record - a result of his cigarettes. "jeongguk, tell me... why yoongi?"

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