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"Hey, Y/N. You ready?" Liz asked, leaning on the doorway.

I quickly look up after shoving a shirt in my bag. "Uh, yea. Just give me a moment."

Liz moves from the doorway and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N, we're free birds now. Time to travel the world." Liz smiled.

It's been a month since we graduated college. We saved up all our money to go travel the world. She and Brian broke up. She was so upset she locked herself in her room for weeks. But, she focused on school, and now here we are.

"Yea, I know." I chuckle and zip up my bag. "Let's roll."

I grab my bag, and Liz grabs hers. We slowly walk down the stairs as we take in the scenery.

As we make it to the end, David comes around the corner and looked at both of us.

"I'm gonna miss both of you. Please come back when you are finished with the adventure."

We both nod and say, "we will."

David let a tear roll down his cheek and I wipe it away.

I never thought I would leave home. Leave the safety of my hometown.

The moment was ruined by a car horn.

I sniff and wipe my face, as tears streamed down them. "Love you."

I give David one last hug and head for the car with Liz.

We shove our bags in the trunk and jump in the car. With a shaky breath, I lean back and look out the window. As we roll to the air port, we grab our tickets and show them our passports.

"Enjoy your flight" the flight attendant smiled.

We took our seats and I take a deep breath. I remember my childhood here, meeting Liz, having my first kiss. Brian. Everything. But, that can't hold me back. Nothing.

"Ready?" Liz smiled.

"Ready." I smile back. Liz grabbed my hand has the plane started taking off.

"Enjoy your flight to Greece."

Shitty ending. I'm sorry. I can't figure out anything else. So I just left it there, Liz and Y/N going away from the place they once lived.

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