A Date...?

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After eating almost all the pizza, Aindreas came down from his room and took some pizza and went back up. Since it's Friday, he stays in his room all day and sleeps.

It was about 2:27 am and we all were getting tired. Craig and Brian asked if the could stay, and of course, we said yes.

We all said our goodnights and went to sleep. I walk up to my room, closing my door.

I get changed in my Hurling shirt on and shorts. I lay in bed and try and sleep. I can not sleep. I toss and turn, but nothing.

I hear a knock at the door. I open my eyes and look at my door. Another knock.

"Hey, Y/N? You up?" A voice asks.

I get off my bed and open my door. It was Brian. His hair was messy. Obviously he couldn't sleep either.

"Hey..." he says, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Hey..." I say, "Want to come in?"

He nods and enters my room. I close the door and turn to Brian.

"What did you need?" I ask.

"Well... during the video I did ask you out..." he gave me a small smile.

"Huh?! You did?! I didn't know... I... um...." I was flustered and didn't know what to say.

Brian laughed, "Not a real date, like hang out. You know?"

"So that whole pickup line... was that for me or Craig?" I giggle.

"It was for Craig, but he was not interested." Brian laughed.

"You couldn't go to sleep too?" I ask.

"Yea, the floor isn't the most comfortable place." He joked. I smile.

It was silent for a few moments. I look in his beautiful blue eyes. Beautiful?! Come on Y/N!

"You want to watch Netflix or something?" I ask.

"Sure!" He smiles and sits down on my bed.

I get my laptop and go on Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Umm how about this." Brian pointed at a movie.

"Sure." I click on the movie. We sat back and relaxed.


The movie ended, we barely had our eyes open.

I yawn and lay back on my bed, Brian did the same.

"Now we are all tired out." Brian yawned, leaning back on my headboard.

I laugh and look at Brian. He looks at me. It feels like forever. My eyelids become heavy. I lay my head on a pillow and drift off to sleep.


I slowly open my eyes and look at my alarm clock. 4:46 am. 2 hours of sleep?! I turn over and I am face to face with Brian. He is sleeping. I watch his chest rise and fall as he takes deep breaths. I can feel my face turn beet red.

I feel something grip my waist. I look and see Brian's arm around me. I feel my face burn up again. I hear a groan and Brian's eyes open up.

"Hmm, what time is it?" He asks, closing his eyes again.

"About 5 am." I reply, "You should go."

Brian sits up and rubs his eyes.

"Ahh, your bed is so comfy!" He complains.

"Go, before David or Craig wake up." I push him out of my room and out into the hall.

"Best date ever." Brain winks and I close the door slowly.

I lean back on the door and hear footsteps walk down the stairs.

I bite my lip.

He's so funny. He's so cute.

Y/N! Snap out of it! He is 28 you are 18! It'll never work! Plus, my brother will kill him and me! 

But why does Brian have to be so good looking!

I lay back in my fluffy bed and close my eyes, easily falling back to sleep.

I wake up to hear the guys screaming song lyrics. I groan and sit up. I giggle, listening to them mess up some lyrics.

I get up and walk downstairs.

I see them in the kitchen cooking, or well trying to cook.

David was whisking eggs, Craig was pouring pancake mix into a bowl, Brian and Aindreas were dancing all around the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?" I laugh.

"We all woke up early so we thought we could make breakfast!" Aindreas explains, dancing still.

I nod my head, sitting on a stool, watching them do their weird shit.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!" David screamed.

"WE HEAR YOU!" We all scream back.

To be honest, the food is so good! I'm surprised. Whenever my brothers try and cook, they normally burn shit.

I look up and see Brain staring at me. His Kermit the Frog mug makes me smile. It's funny how these grown ass men act like they are 10.

"Thanks, guys. It was good." I smile at them.

"Yea, this is awesome!" Aindreas agreed.

When we all finished, I started washing the dished, with Brian's help.

"Last night was fun, hanging out and all." Brian says, picking up a glass of orange juice and putting it in the sink.

"Yea. It was fun." I smile, pouring the juice in the sink and putting it in a dish washer.

"Can we do it again?" Brian asked, giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure. Every night until you go." I reply.

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