Thank You Bro!

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I sigh and slam my head on my pillow again. I have to listen to my brother screaming at his friends again.

I groan and slam my head again. This is the fourth time in a row, he has been playing Mario Kart 8 for 4 days!

I pull out my phone and see he is live streaming. I click on it and see him play. His ugly Mii always makes me laugh. I laugh a couple times at the jokes his friends say. I look at the clock by my bed and sit up. It's 2:47 in the morning.

I hop off my bed and open my door. I walk down the hall and follow David's screams.

His screen He is still yelling, and I start getting mad.

I walk in the room, David still can't hear me.

"Oh fuck you guys!" He screams.

I snatch his headphones off and and he looks up.

"David, it's almost 3 in the morning! It's time to go to bed! I have school tomorrow!" I yell.

"But, Y/N~" he whined.

"No. Bed, now." I demand.

"Let me say bye..." he said and did he outro.

He ends his stream and turns to me. I put the headset on.

"Nogla, you ok?" Someone asked.

"Sorry guys, it's time for his bed time, night!" I say and hang up the Skype call.

I storm off to my room and sleep. 4 hours until I have to go to school.

I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


I wake up to my alarm clock. I spring out of bed and go to the bathroom. I hear David and Aindreas were talking in the kitchen.

I walk out of the bathroom, wearing new clothes and I did my hair.

I walk into the kitchen, "Hi guys."

They nod, drinking their coffee.

I live with David. I'm his favorite sibling, don't tell Aindreas.

"I'm gonna head off to school." I say, grabbing a piece of toast and rush put the door. David grabs my arm and I look at him.

"I'm not recording today, so we can all hang out like we always do." He smiled.

"I'm picking the game." I smile and leave the house.

I run to the bus stop and see my friend Liz walk up to me.

"Hey," she yawned.

"Hey," I smile, taking a bite from my toast.

"You look... great..?" She says.

"Thanks. My brother was up playing video games with his friends." I say and brush my hair behind my ear.

"What is his YouTube name? I need to know!" She pleaded.

"And you will never know!" I laugh.

The bus rolls up and we step on the bus. We sit in the back and I lay my head on the window.

I close my eyes, not realizing I drifted to sleep.

"Y/N, wake up!" Liz shakes me.

I sit up and look around. The bus is empty and we are at school. I hop up and rush out of the bus. "Thanks for waking me up!" I say to Liz.

"No problem."

My phone vibrates and I see David texted me.

Bro 😒❤: Hey little sis. You forgot your Science book at home.

My eyes pop out. I have Science first period.

Me: Please bring it to school for me. I will get in so much trouble!

I put my phone in my pocket and slowly walk into the school.

I walk to my locker and I feel someone next to me. I close my locker and look to my left.

It was my boyfriend, Michael. I smile and look at my phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks.

"I forgot my Science book." I murmur. He winced, knowing that will happen to me. "Hopefully my brother comes and saves me."

"And if he doesn't?" He asks.

"I'll kill him before Mr. Rowen kills me." I say, the bell ringing indicating first period is starting.

I give Michael a small 'help me' glance and walk to Mr. Rowen's class.

I walk in there and kids were talking. I walk to the back of the class, maybe he won't notice if I sit back here.

Mr. Rowen walked in and everyone stopped talking.

Mr. Rowen is the meanest teacher ever! I carefully take out my phone and see David texted me.

Bro 😒❤️: Got it, be there in a bit!

I sigh in relief. I put my phone in my pocket and look up at the board. My life flashed before my eyes.

Go to page 89 in your text book. I look at everyone take out their books. One boy also forgot his book, but Mr. Rowen noticed and walked right up to him.

"Mr. Williams, where is your text book?" Mr. R asked.

"I forgot it..." Jake Williams responded.

"So, you think that you could just forget it? Where would it be?"

"At home..." he replied.

"Why would you have your text book at home? Were you studying for the test?" Mr. R said, smirking.

"What test?" Jake asked, worry in his voice.

"This test." Mr. Rowen slammed a text on Jake's desk.

Everyone got quiet. I gulp, my face turning red. Hurry, David!

I raise my hand.

"Yes, Miss?" Met Rowen asked.

"Umm, may I use the restroom?" I ask.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I have to use the toilet." I reply.

"Can it wait?" He questioned.

"Unless you don't mind pee on your floor, no, I can't wait." I reply.

"Go ahead, grab a hall pass." He demanded, obviously annoyed that class just started and today is just not his day. I rush out of the class room and walk to the restroom.

I sit on the floor of the restroom. I play with the hall pass. My phone buzzed and I check it. It's Aindreas.

Bro 😁❤️: David is on his was with your text book. Don't worry!

Me: Thanks!

I put my phone down. I hear my name being called on the loudspeaker.

I walk to the office and see my David holding my text book.

"Thank you so much!" I hug David and take the book.

"See ya later!" David smiled and walked off.

I run to Mr. Rowen's class. I hand him the hall pass and take my seat. Jake is still taking his test.

The bell rings, and everyone gets up.

"Not you Mr. Williams, you are gonna have homework. You must write 'I will not forget my textbook 100 times." Mr. Rowen said.

Everyone snickered and left the room. That would've been me. Thank you bro!

Word Count 1096

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