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With tears streaming down my face, I could do nothing but sit cross-legged on the sandy shore and stare at the horizon in front of me. Waves of a deep royal blue crept towards me before running away, only to repeat the process in a cycle that caused droplets of salty water to spray onto my bare, sand-encrusted feet. But beyond those magical waves was something even more amazing and breath-taking: The sunset.

Beautiful smudges of coral, lavender, turquoise, and a fiery orange blended together to create a sight so astounding it swept me away from all of my worries, just like the waves creeping over seashells and stealing them in a matter of seconds. My last teardrop fell and hit the soft white sand, and a warm feeling of safety and security overwhelmed me as the sun dipped down below the horizon. The vast ocean in front of me was my home, where I belonged, a place to escape from my life away from the waves. Nothing could ever take that feeling away.

I stand up and turn to the sound of sand crunching under someone's foot. Before I could process what had gone on, I was tackled with a hug from my sister. She places her chin on her my shoulder, her black hair swaying with the sun. I smile warmly and hug her tightly.

"Are you okay? I heard what happened, I'm so sorry..." She whispers softly. I pull away and look up into her worried eyes, smiling and nodding truthfully.

I place my hand on her shoulder, shrugging, "I don't know why but I suddenly feel like I'm at home with dad..." She nods and hugs me once more before grabbing my hand and dragging me back inside. I feel all my worries beginning to drown me again, "W-What're you doing!?"

"They're going to apologies to you willingly or I'll force it out of their mouths," She said darkly, the grip on my hand tightening.

"No!" I pull my hand out of her grasp and she turns around, staring at me in worry and confusion. I look down thoughtfully, "I'll go in when I'm read to see them." She smiles and nods understandingly, hugging me and walking back inside the warm shack.

I turn and walk back to the ocean, my feet leaving marks in the sand. I reach the ocean once more, rolling up my pajama pants so I could go in deeper. I notice a crimson spark in the ocean, getting farther and farther as I walk to it.

"What is that?" I said, thinking it was under me. I dig my hand through the water, feeling around for it. I sigh when I don't feel anything but then, suddenly, I feel an arm grab my wrist and pull me underwater. I gasp for air, the water filling my lungs.

I try to open my eyes under the water despite the pain and look down at my wrist. I yank it out of whatever was holding on to it and try to swim to the surface before I run out of air completely.

Come on, come on! What even is happening!?

I see a light, a smile coming to my face. I quickly close my mouth before the salty water could enter. I reach for it but feel something grab my ankle tightly and pull me down further. I place a hand on my neck, the other reaching for the surface which is getting farther and farther away.


I desperately try to swim to the surface, tears biting my eyes. My hair blocks my face and when I move it out of of my eyes, the light of the surface has disappeared...

I can't breathe...


I need...



I open my eyes, looking around at my surrounds. I sit up, gasping for air. I feel my dry hair and gasp hysterically. HOW AM I DRY!? I look at my hands, they're not wrinkled! My clothes aren't soaking wet!

What is going on!? I stand up and look around, my eyes still not adjusting to the bright light. "Where am I?" I ask to no one in particular, walking and feeling around for anything or anyone.

I then feel my hands land on someone's broad shoulders. I squint my eyes to find myself looking at... My reflection? The woman who looks slightly older than I am raises her brows in shock. I can't really see how her hair is done but it's H/C, she has S/C skin and E/C eyes. But we don't talk to each other for some reason. Instead, we continue our walk. It just felt like the right thing to do.

That was weird!


"Please don't you worry," A female voice speaks into my head. I wince in pain and place my hands on my headache, looking around for where the voice may have come from. "Please do not worry," I spot a black figure and begin chasing it, reaching my hand out for it. "I promise you are in safe hands."

The black figure holds out its hand. I stop in front of it, seeing nothing but a grin. "Take my hand..."

"I'll help you get home..."

I bite my lip, pondering on if I should run or take her hand. Then again, I don't know where to go. All could be seen is a white space, filled with nothingness for as far as the eye could see.

I sigh and take her hand. Her grin widens and she pulls me close, "Close your eyes, Y/N." I ignore how she knows my name and close my eyes, fear striking in me.


I open my eyes to find myself in front of a giant house in a garden. I gasp and look down at my hands then at my old looking dress. I squeal at how beautiful it looks on me. I pinch the side and spin around in it, admiring the garden around me.

I inhale the scent of flowers and smirk to myself, placing a hand on my cheek. I then turn my eyes to a tall, bald man staring at me in shock. My eyes widen and I quickly drop my arm. He walks to me, red with anger.

Before I could turn and run, he grabs my wrist, "Who are you and where's my daughter!?" Venom drips from every word he says.

I stutter, "D-daughter?"

"Why do you look like her?" He demands impatiently.

My eyes widen. That woman. She was his daughter. And this man, he's incredibly familiar.

"Who are you?" I yank my arm out of his grip and glare up at the father-like figure. His frowns darkens warningly and I step back, feeling my back hit a large boulder.

"I am George Washington, of course! Now, who are you and where's my daughter!?"


"I-I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, "Please, please... You have to believe and trust me! We have to talk in private!" I look around at the old-looking designs on the houses then down at the old-fashioned dress.

"Hun, what are you doing?" A voice as sweet as honey said from inside. He sighs and steps back, confusion written in his handsome features. I turn to the gorgeous women, tears instantly biting my eyes.

She looks so much like...

My mother...


"Yes, dear?" The woman who has my mother's features asks curiously.

"What year is it!?" I ask her desperately.

"Why, Y/N, it's 1780?"

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