Chapter 16

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"You what?!" I yelled.

"Shhhh. You wouldn't want to wake him would you?" He asked with a smirk. "Also, it is the law that an Alpha's mate moves in with him after being introduced. Do you better start packing princess."

I growled. "No."

"Well, it's a good thing you don't have a choice then."

"I'm not apart of your pack. I don't follow your laws. This is what I was talking about Asher. You want it all. So what you did is come up with a law so that once you announce me to the pack I have no choice but to come back into your arms. And you get it without apologizing and actually trying to make up for it."

I stormed off and grabbed Liam, who was playing around. I wasn't surprised he had woken up.

I stormed upstairs, well aware I had a stupid Alpha behind me. After storming through the halls to my room, I slammed the door and locked it.

"I swear Rebekkah if you don't open this door right now!" He growled.

"Or what? You'll force me to do something? You already do that on a daily basis."

He growled. Liam looked at the door with curiosity.

"Go away!" I sing-songed loudly. 

"No! Now I'm going to pack the living room and kitchen and you are going to be a good girl and pack the bedrooms and bathroom." 

I growled. "Do NOT tell me what to do Asher, because I swear I will wring your neck." 

He laughed. "Babe, your cute tiny hands can't fit around this piece of muscle." 

"Who said I have to use my hands? There is plenty else I can use." 

"You wouldn't do that to your baby daddy." 

I thought about it. I grew up with worthless parents, do I want that for Liam? Or would it be better for him to just have me? Studies show that a child needs both and is better off if they are together. But, if his dad is an annoying jerk than I think that it is better without us being together. 

Although I would never admit it, I still have a lot of feelings towards him. I blame the mate bond. 

Which is why it hurts when I see him flirting. 

"See? I knew you wouldn't." His annoying voice came through the door.

"Just because I know I don't look good in stripes or that shade of orange." 

He laughed. "Whatever you need to tell yourself, babe. And look, I'll tell you what, some of the women in the pack want to help you pack so I will let them do the living room and kitchen and you and I can do the bedrooms and bathrooms."

"I already told you, me and Liam are not moving into that packhouse with you."

"Well, it's a good thing we are not moving into the packhouse."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about that I bought us a house with plenty of room for our children." 

"We don't have any children and aren't going to." 

He snarled, which scared me, to be honest. "Stop taking him away from me! You talk about me being selfish, well you are just as bad! You won't let me have 5 minutes with my son! What do you want me to do to make it up to you? What do you want me to do so we can be together again, a happy family? Or even just to get 10 minutes with my son?" 

He sounded so desperate at the last sentence. 

Was he right? I guess he was.

"I-I guess, we can move in together. But, we have separate rooms and we are not together. And while we are not together, you don't get to bring girls into the house."

"Oh, Rebekkah, you won't regret this!" 

"I better not." I muttered. 

With that our whole day was spent packing, with minimal breaks in between to feed and play with my handsome boy. 

Asher is out getting lunch for us and so I checked to see if I had any messages from William. I did, but it was from yesterday. He responded with answers to my questions and asked his own. As one of his questions, he asked me out to coffee tomorrow, which I accepted.I hit send right as a certain Alpha popped in. 

"Hey, hun." He said as he set the lunch stuff down. And I heard his phone ding. 

"Hey, who's that?" I asked

"I'm not sure, but here's your lunch." He handed me my bag.

"Can you watch Liam for a little while tomorrow? I have a meeting."

"I would love to, and you know I would, but I also have a meeting." 

The one time I ask him to watch Liam and he turns it down. 

"Fine. I'll get someone else to do it." 

"Don't be upset, you know I would. I just have a very important meeting. Please understand?" 


I wasn't mad necessarily, but I was annoyed.

He shook his head and pulled out his phone, smiling when he saw something on it. He quickly got lost in the phone, typing and smiling. 

"Should we get back to work?" 

"I will be up in one minute." 

I sighed and stood up. 


I walked up and true to his word he came up a little later and we finished packing. He went home because he said he had to prepare for his big meeting tomorrow. 

I was playing with Liam and logged back onto the computer to see if we were set for tomorrow and we were. 

I was getting a little nervous. I had never met anyone online and then in person before. But, I have heard a lot of horror stories.  

I was still confused with how Asher was acting earlier, but whatever. I shook it off and started preparing for tomorrow. 

The next day I woke up and made sure that everything was set for the sitter before I headed off to the coffee shop. 

I was waiting outside because I was early, and I was just looking out for William. 

"Ms. Rebekah I presume?" I smiled and turned around. 

But, the smile didn't stay. I gasped and nearly dropped everything in my hands. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for our coffee date." 

"But, you aren't William."

"Yes I am, the picture may have been forged, but the name is real. That is my name." 

"Not it's not!" 

"Yes, hun, it is, Asher William Giovanni."

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