♛ Plan A Sometimes Works ♘

Start from the beginning

Liam eyed him carefully, asking in concern, "What happens then?"

"We figure out a way to save him."

"Okay." Lydia nodded before inquiring the alpha, "Where else could we look?"

"Let's ask Corey," Scott stated casually, gripping tightly at the air behind him, and forcing Corey to stop camouflaging himself in the corner of the room. 

Realizing that's where the anxiety she sensed earlier came from, Bree narrowed her eyes at the Chimera. 

Corey stammered quickly, afraid Scott would hurt him, "Wait! Wait! It's not my fault. They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him—"

"Who?" interjected an irritated Scott. 

"The Dread Doctors."

With the worried looks his friends were giving him, Scott came to a decision. "Now, we need a plan."

With a slight head tilt, Lydia determined, "Well, we should figure out how Mason fits into all this."

"But doesn't it seem like we're past that?" asked Kira while Bree shook her head. 

"We went over lists of potential Chimeras and somehow overlooked Mason. There's obviously something we missed."

Scott nodded along, insisting, "She's right. We don't have all the information. So, until we do, we're splitting up. Some of us should go to the school to search for Mason, and some of us work on finding answers."

The alpha held up his bike helmet, signaling his departure when Allison spoke up, "I'll come with you."

"I'll tag along too," mentioned Bree while Liam rushed to meet Scott at the door. 

"Actually, Bree, we need your help on the answers."

The blonde whirled around at Stiles' words. "What? Why me?"

Stiles replied matter-of-factly, shifting his weight shyly, "Valack used you to have the Phoenix try to answer the question in the first place."

"But I don't remember a lot of what happened. I don't think I ever answered it."

"Then maybe it's not such a good idea to have you in a place where Theo might show up," the red-haired Banshee across from her pointed out. 

The Stilinski kid cocked his head to the side, blinking in thought. "He does have an irritating tendency to show up for classes." 

Bree groaned, knowing her begging to attend her own classes would be useless. "Fine, but Valack could have done the same thing to Lydia, so I vote she helps us." 

"Works for me," Stiles shrugged as the strawberry blonde rolled her eyes. 


Allison could tell how nervous Scott felt, trying so hard not to let it show, but she knew him better than that. 

"How desperate are we?" Liam whispered as they approached the locker room door. 

Scott exhaled heavily, catching Allison's deep brown eyes before replying, "Incredibly desperate."

With that, the Alpha opened the door, revealing Tracy and Theo on the other side. Allison held down the rage she felt toward the lead Chimera as they walked inside, closing the door firmly behind them for privacy. Venturing further, the trio met in the middle of the locker room, waiting for the bell to ring before Theo started with a smug smirk, "Told you we'd both end up on the same side."

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