♛ The Hero Thing ♘

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"I want you for worse or for better

I would wait forever and ever

Broke your heart, I'll put it back together

I want you forever and ever"




"Stiles?" Malia grunted out worriedly from the floor, having yet to see the glass shard lodged in the Stilinski kid's chest.

When her brown eyes finally caught sight of the wound, she glanced over the couch to find a snarling Bree, eyes bright with amethyst and orange fury while her veins glowed orange in the dark living room. The Desert Wolf grinned in interest before glimpsing out of the corner of her eye at Malia moving to stand up. Swiftly maneuvering around the glass, the assassin hurdled over the couch to kick Bree against the wall, earning a pained groan from the blonde.

The Desert Wolf quickly picked up her gun, shooting the werecoyote when she got too close. Malia stumbled backward for the entry hallway, clutching tight to her bleeding shoulder, and began dragging herself toward the back of the house to avoid her mother, but the woman only advanced with a wicked smile. The assassin shot at her daughter again, this time shooting her in the back, forcing the girl to turn and slip backward onto the hardwood floor.

"It's not the full moon, Malia," the older woman claimed, slowly approaching the injured girl. "But you know what? It's close enough."

As she staggered toward the hallway, Bree's heart clenched at Malia begging her mother to stop, but that only seemed to prompt the woman into shooting the girl again. The blonde's friend groaned at the amount of pain she was in, trudging further down the corridor until her back hit the wall, knocking the breath out of her. That had been enough for Bree to feel violently protective over her friend, orange and blue flames engulfing her palms.

The Desert Wolf whipped quickly around, the bright colors reflecting in her cold brown eyes, and seized Bree's wrists, stopping her from burning the assassin. With a vile grin, the woman tried clenching her nails into the girl's wrists, drawing blood, but the Phoenix's eyes only shone brighter. The assassin cocked an eyebrow before forcing the girl's open palms to the wall, hoping to burn the house down to get back to killing her daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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