♛ Execute the Plan ♘

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"Comin' for you, babe, I'm comin' now

That's when I run (run)

All of these thousand miles

To get you back"




Scott bent down to pick up a keycard and walkie from an unconscious guard on the ground from an earlier attack. They had naively thought they could take on two supernatural teenagers, only for Scott and Liam to overpower them. The beta wolf pressed a careful hand against the Mountain Ash barrier, but it still resisted heavily against him, causing his shoulders to sag in defeat. There was no way they could get to Stiles, Lydia, or Bree from that way.

Clicking the radio, Scott spoke into it, asking, "Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report."

"It's a war zone down here," a panicked voice responded.

"10-4," Scott replied unsurely. "And what about the patients? Lydia Martin and Bree Simmons?"

There was a beat that put the alpha slightly on edge before — "Who is this?"

Scott shrugged, answering casually, "This is Unit Nine."

"There is no Unit Nine. Who is this? How'd you get—?"

Shaking his head, the McCall kid crushed the walkie and released it, the device shattering further along the concrete floor.

Well, that didn't work, thought Scott as he looked to Liam.

"We need another way into the Closed Unit," mentioned Scott, knowing they were out of time.

"How do we get through the Mountain Ash?"

"I don't know yet, but there's somebody here who might be able to help us."

Liam leaned forward curiously, asking, "Who?"


Following his lead, the beta jogged after Scott, hoping he knew what he was doing. They quickly arrived at their destination before Scott quietly slid the door open and shut once inside the cell. To be honest, Liam was a little freaked out by the patient sitting with her back to them. It was creepy enough being in Eichen, but something about some of the patients was starting to make him uneasy.

Monsters 🌖 Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now