♛ Plan A Sometimes Works ♘

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"Baby, we were born with fire and gold in our eyes

With fire and gold in our eyes, eyes

Got lightning in a bottle, hands on the throttle

Even in the dust, we shine"

Bea Miller, FIRE N GOLD



When Stiles and Bree walked through the front door to the McCall house, most of the pack had already gathered in the kitchen, talking in hushed tones. It seemed Scott had yet to wake up and join them, probably recovering from the extensive wounds. Stepping into the kitchen, Bree took note of the dark circles under Liam's eyes, assuming he hadn't slept much while everyone else looked as if they had plenty. 

Malia seemed wide awake, standing over the kitchen counter while Kira stood beside Liam on the other side, and nervously messed with the ends of her French braid. Lydia leaned over the end of the counter between the werecoyote and beta wolf as Allison crossed her arms on the opposite side. There was noticeable tension and mild-running emotions among the group with a hint of high anxiety. Bree furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering who it came from. 

"Where are we with finding Mason?" questioned Allison, trying to cut the tense silence. 

"Well, my dad's got an APB out—"

Kira interrupted Stiles, "For a 5'8" sixteen-year-old?"

Stiles corrected her, "I recommended a nine-foot-tall rampaging werewolf."

"It still might not be him," Liam disagreed worriedly, holding on to hope that they were wrong. That earned him pointed looks. "But, Hayden's at the school looking."

"I can keep checking the woods," Malia brought up as everyone nodded in agreement.  

At a new emotion of relief, Bree turned to the doorway, finding a fully dressed Scott by it. She watched him hide the smile he wanted to show, claiming while the group turned to him, "My mom can check all the hospitals in the county. We can find him."

Monsters 🌖 Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now