Chapter Nine

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto•
Not my art

She stared at the tiny black and white picture held between calloused fingers. She moved slowly through the hospital's sliding glass doors, her swollen stomach protruding slightly from her small form.

This had to have been the fiftieth time she's stopped to look at the photo in complete shock. 'How could this have happened? I only went in for a check up.' She remembered the look on her mentor's face after the ultrasound. Her sharp, honey colored eyes were wide upon their discovery.

She lied down on the hospital bed as the nurse applied the cool gel to her swelling stomach. This would be her first ever ultrasound.

When she was pregnant with Sarada, her and Sasuke weren't able to do these things because of their traveling. The only way for them to check on their daughter's developing form was for Sasuke to monitor her chakra levels from the outside.

The closest thing they had to this was the birthing of their daughter in one of Orochimaru's underground hideouts. And even then, the snake sannin's equipment were less than sanitary.

Sakura jumped as the last sting of the goo fell on her growing tummy. The nurse chucked and apologized. "No it's alright, the gel is just a little cold."

The nurse smiled and began to use the probe to lightly press into her stomach. "Did you want to find out the gender today?"

Sakura bit her lip. Both Sasuke and herself had agreed to let the gender be a surprise, but Sakura couldn't help but be a little curious. After all, they still had to consider baby clothes and nursery colors. But, she had to keep her promise to her husband.

"No, I just wanted a regular checkup for today. We want the gender to be a surprise." She said hesitantly. The suspense was killing her. "I guess the baby will just have to deal yellow and white." She sighed.

The nurse smiled. "Well it looks like you're going to have to double the yellow and white."

Sakura's smile fell and her brows furrowed in confusion.


The nurse wordlessly turned the screen so she could see. Sakura sat up carefully on her elbows and craned her neck. Sure enough, there were two faint outlines of tiny heads and arms. The image brought tears to her jade eyes.

"Oh my..." she brought her hands to cover her mouth as the tears started to fall.

Tsunade looked into the room at the sound of muffled gasps of air and saw her student on the exam table. "Sakura? Why didn't you tell me you were coming in today, I would have performed your ultrasound."

The pink haired woman didn't respond. Her eyes were still glued to the black an white screen. "What's wrong? Did something happened to the baby?!" She quickly made her way over to her side and looked at the monitor.

"Babies.." Sakura corrected from behind her hands.

Tsunade was in awe, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

Sakura stared at the photo.

"Twins." She said. "We're going to have twins."

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