Chapter One

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I do not own Naruto.

fam•i•ly - noun and adjective

a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

designed to be suitable for children as well as adults

*definitions from Google*


It was around one o'clock in the morning when Uchiha Sasuke slipped from the covers of the bed he shared with his wife.

It had been a three days since the chūnin exams as well as the attack on the village carried out by Momoshiki and his lackey. He had since then taken those three days to recover and spend time with his family of three.

Family. It was still a foreign word to the Uchiha patriarch. It had been so long he'd forgotten what it was like to have one.

He looked over his shoulder at the pink-haired woman who occupied the king-sized bed. Had it not been for her, he might not be in the position he was in now. A father to a beautiful twelve year-old girl who possessed the same eyes as him as well as their shared hair color.

He stared at the beautiful woman with sad eyes. He would have to leave soon and continue on with his mission. His heart clenched at the thought of leaving them once again. It had not been easy for this family over the last eleven years.

He moved to get up out of bed when he detected movement from behind him. He once again looked over his shoulder, only to see jade eyes staring back at him.

"What are you doing Sasuke?" She had long since dropped the kun after they got married, no longer finding it necessary. She would however sometimes let it slip out at random.

"I have to leave soon." He said before getting out of bed. He stretched his lone arm over his head as he let out a yawn. Over the years, Sasuke has learned how to let loose around Sakura to the point where he can allow things like these to occur.

"Yeah, but it's one a.m. and you promised Sarada-chan we'd see you off at the gates. There for, you can come back to bed for a while longer."

He didn't move an inch. Sakura sighed before she got out of bed and stalked over to him. She let her arms wrap around his waist as she wrested her head on his muscular back.

"What's going on Sasuke? Why the sudden change of heart?" She questioned him as she began to leave soft kisses on his shoulder. "Come on Sasuke, you can talk to me." She tightened her hold on him.

Sasuke continued to stare out the window before he sighed and wrapped his own arm around hers. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm dong the right thing for us."

Sakura furrowed her eyebrows as she craned her neck to look at him. "What do you mean?" Sasuke turned around in her arms and looked at her with sad eyes. The light of the moon illuminated her features and gave her skin a soft glow.

"It's Sarada. Whenever I'm here, it's like she's just wondering when I'm going to leave again. Like she can't ever count on me to be there for her." Sakura brought her hand up to his cheek and he leaned into her touch.

"Oh Sasuke. Sarada understands why you can't be here all the time and she knows the importance of this mission." She brought her other hand up and held his face in her hands as she continued to speak to him.

"You're a wonderful father, Sasuke. And I'm sure Sarada would agree with me." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss got more passionate as Sasuke wrapped his arm around his wife's tiny waist and pressed her up against his bare chest.

Her fingers weaved through his silky black strands as he anchored her leg around his hip. The temperature of the room seemed to increase with each moan and whimper escaping from his lover's lips.

Sakura's hips met his and she let out a soft moan. Sasuke took the opportunity to ease his tongue into her mouth.

Sakura jumped up and brought both legs around his waist as he carried her back to the bed. He lied her down gently before hovering over her. His lips left hers and trailed down to the juncture between her neck and shoulder before nipping at the flesh.

Sakura's hips jerked upwards as he sucked on the spot. "Mmm Sasuke..." She moaned. His hips were grinding into hers creating a sensual rhythm. He moved the strap to her silk top down her shoulder before attacking her collarbone.

Sakura's hands moved to the waistband of his pajama bottoms before sticking her hand in them. She rubbed his hardening member as he continued to suck and nibble on her collarbone. He dug his face into her neck as he let out guttural groans.

"Sakura.." He hissed as she continued to pump, twisting her hand as she went. She could feel the pre cum dribbling at the tip and used that to lubricate her hand to make the motion easier.

She felt Sasuke's hand grasp hers, halting her actions. She looked up at him only to be met with his fierce and lustful gaze. He pulled her hand from his pants before bending down and claiming her lips with his own.

His hand tugged her cream silk sleep-shorts as well as her lace panties down her legs before flinging them across the room. He did the same with his own pants before settling between her legs once more.

Sakura had already taken off her matching silk night shirt and tossed it in the direction Sasuke sent their clothes earlier. Her arms and legs were wrapped around his back as he slowly eased into her. They both moaned as Sasuke fully sheathed himself within her.

The feeling of her walls constricting around him within her sent Sasuke in a frenzy. He pulled out before slowly slamming back into her. Sasuke moved at a slow pace. He wanted these moments with her to last before he had to leave again, but he was finding it increasingly harder to do so with Sakura scratching at his back and whimpering in his ear.

He swallowed her soft moans by kissing her and increased his pace. "Oh Sasuke!...Please!" She screamed, her heels digging into his backside as he rammed into her. The knot within her was coming undone. She was almost there.

"SASUKE!" She screamed. The coil in her belly had burst as she came with his name on her lips. Sasuke came right after her when her muscles started convulsing around him. Her name was spilling out of him like a mantra.

Sakura brought him down for a passionate kiss, her eyebrows furrowed at the aftershocks of her orgasm. "I love you, Sasuke. So much." She said between kisses. Sasuke kissed her with an equal amount of passion before repeating to her those same three words.

"I love you too, Sakura."


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