Chapter Eight

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‼️Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto‼️
Credits to the artist 👩‍🎨

Naruto didn't find out about the baby until just before they left the Uzumaki residence. It's safe to say that by the next morning the entire village would know that the Uchiha family was expecting another.

"How long are you staying?"

They were laying down under the covers of the bed they shared. She caught a whiff of scent of his shampoo with every breath she took, for the man had just gotten back from the shower.

"I don't know." He took in the sight of her crestfallen face "I'll try to stay as long as I can Sakura. I want to be here when he arrives." Sakura's eyebrows furrowed.

"He? Who said we're having a boy?" A smirk danced on her lips. "Call it an instinct." He replied, a smirk on his face as well.

"We'll see. Don't forget you thought Sarada was also going to be a boy." She chuckled as she recalled the memory.

Thirteen years earlier

They were traveling the dirt roads to Iwagakure. She was around eight-and-a half months pregnant with their first child and Sakura was ready to pop.

They had been traveling the entire duration of her pregnancy, only stopping to camp in the woods and on occasion, rent a room for the night.

Sasuke had been treating Sakura like she was glass the entire time too, never allowing her to sleep on the ground instead, having her use his sleeping cot over hers for extra cushion.

She could tell he was exhausted for one can only get much sleep from sleeping on the hard ground. He looked like he was about to fall over.

"What gender do you think the baby is gonna be?" She asked, trying to lighten up the mood he was in.

There was a beat of silence before he spoke. "Boy." He simply stated. "A boy? What makes you think that?" She tried to keep him talking.

"It's just this feeling I get. I feel it's going to be a boy." Sakura nodded at his reasoning.

"I think it's going to be a girl." Sasuke smirked at her, challenging her. "Oh yeah? And why's that?"

She smiled up at him "Because women who're carrying girls stomach's tend to be higher up than those who're carrying a boy."

Sasuke eyed her stomach and sure enough, the bump on midsection was resting just below her breasts instead of protruding from her lower abdomen.

He frowned "That doesn't prove a damn thing. How the hell does the height of your stomach determine what gender baby you're having." It just didn't make any sense.

"Okay then how 'bout this" she chuckled. "When a woman pregnant with a girl is craving, she tends to go for sweet tasting things. But, when a pregnant woman carrying a boy is craving, she'll go for more of a salty, savory option."

Sasuke thought back to when they last ate. It was at a small tea house they had stopped at on the way. He remembered Sakura's meal.

Syrupy, sweet anmitsu and a steaming cup of hojicha tea with honey. He grimaced. "That again doesn't prove anything, you have a ridiculously large sweet tooth and Anmitsu is your favorite."

She laughed. "Well, whatever we end up having, we'll be happy because they'll be ours and they'll be wonderful. He or she." She wrapped her arms around his and nuzzled her head into his bicep. He smiled down at her pink head of hair.


A month later and Sarada was born. Sasuke was just as happy as he would've been had she been born a boy.

"This time Sakura, I can feel it." He smiled. She smiled at him before yawning and cuddling up against him "We'll see. Goodnight, Sasuke."

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer against him. He smiled at her already sleeping form before resting his chin on top of her head, breathing in that floral scent so familiar to him.

"Ah, goodnight, Sakura."

Sure enough. By morning, the entire village had gotten word of her pregnancy. The blonde idiot told everyone who would listen.

Sakura groaned as yet another civilian woman came up to her to ask her 'What are you having?' or 'How long have you known?' or the most frequently asked 'How far along are you?'

She couldn't take it anymore! All she wanted to do that Sunday morning was do some grocery shopping. The market place wasn't normally so crowded at this time of day.

It must've been just her luck that all these people had to conveniently be there the same time she was.

"Naruto, you're going to pay for this when I get my hands on you. Shannaro!"

Published late, I know. I already explained on my other story so to put it simply, I was going through some serious writers block. I wanted to make it up to you guys by posting at soon as I could. And if that means posting both stories on the same day, so be it.

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