Chapter Four

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‼️Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto‼️
The snapping sound of latex gloves was heard as the medical ninja took them off. She pulled doin the mask covering her nose and mouth as she disposed of the gloves in the waste bin.

She had just finished her second surgery of the day and was now going to head home after being told by her shishou to take it easy.

Her work was now limited after Tsunade had insisted that she take it easy for the remainder of her pregnancy.

Tsunade had initially wanted her to stay home while she was pregnant but the pink-haired Uchiha wouldn't allow it. She had made numerous arguments to her former teacher that would allow her to remain working at the hospital.

In the end, the two compromised with the condition that Sakura would not over work herself and would have a nurse monitoring her while she worked at the hospital.

The Uchiha reluctantly agreed to these terms as she figured it would be better for the baby. Of course less work meant less money.

The Uchiha household found that money was never a problem since Sasuke had inherited his entire clan's funds, but Sakura couldn't bring herself to pull money out of the account of Sasuke's deceased family. Instead, she decided to work for her own money to provide for her and Sarada when Sasuke was away.

Of course, with Sarada now going on her own missions and earning the pay for them, she was then able to buy things for herself.

Sakura would need to save money for the new baby though. They would need a crib, an endless amount of diapers as well as other basic necessities. This would potentially cost a fortune.

Sakura sighed as she moved a strand of hair behind her ear. In the month Sasuke had been away, her hair had grown a bit. Instead of stopping at her chin, it now barely reached her shoulders.

She guessed it may have been because of her pregnancy. With Sarada, Sakura's hair had went from her chin at the start of her pregnancy, down to her lower back in the end.

The corners of Sakura's lips turned upwards in a soft smile at the thought of her daughter and her response to her pregnancy.

"Nani?!" A shocked expression adorned her features. Sakura smiled uneasily at her daughter's outburst. "M-Mama... you're not saying your p-pregnant are you?"

Sakura smiled at her still-flat stomach as she rubbed it in a soothing motion. "Ah. You're going to be a big sister Sarada." She almost whispered.

The room went silent momentarily before Sakura looked at her food with a sad expression. "Sarada... a-are you upset by thi-off!"

Sakura hadn't noticed the screeching sound of a chair being moved against to floor or the sound of stomping feet on wood coming towards her.

Sarada had enveloped her mother in an embrace as she silently cried into her mothers shoulder "H-How could I ever be upset about this?" She asked through her tears.

Sakura sat there stunned before smiling and returning Sarada's embrace.

The two laughed and cried during the remainder of dinner that night, completely overjoyed with the news of a new family member.

The recent memory had brought tears to her eyes as Sakura frantically tried to wipe them away. 'Damn hormones' she laughed.

The Uchiha Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें