Chapter Five

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‼️Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto‼️
It was a hot July afternoon in Konoha. By this time, Sakura was around three months along and her stomach was getting bigger making it harder to conceal it.

As of now, only Ino, Sarada, and Tsunade as well as Shizune knew about her pregnancy. She had wanted to tell everyone else with Sasuke getting pregnant. But it was getting difficult to keep it a secret.

Sarada had accompanied her to the clothing store that afternoon. As they were going through the racks of various sundresses, they were met with the pale eyes of the Uzumaki matriarch.

"Ah H-Hinata-chan! What are you doing here?" Sakura was already sweating because of the intense heat and lack of air conditioning, now she had to add her nervousness to the list. Like Sakura, Hinata's daughter had accompanied her as well.

"We were just here to pick up a few things. How have you been Sakura-san? Are things going well at the hospital?" The hushed voice of the former Hyuga heiress calmed Sakura's nerves and she allowed a smile to grace her face.

"Things are going just fine Hinata, Arigato." Sakura turned towards Himawari before bending down to her level "And how are you doing today Himawari-chan?" Himawari smiled at her before answering.

"I'm doing great Sakura Oba-chan! Mama and I going to make a yummy cake for Papa when he gets home tonight! You see it's a special day today!" She announced. Sakura's eyes widened. "A special day?" She inquired. She gave Hinata a questioning glance.

"Naruto had a very important meeting with the Daimyo today. He called me at the house saying that it went extremely well so we're going to celebrate tonight." She explained.

"Really? That's wonderful! But hold on.. what are you doing in the clothing store then? Shouldn't you be out getting the ingredients?"

Hinata giggled "Well about that, Himawari wanted to wear a nice dress for the occasion but she's gotten to big for her old ones." Sakura chuckled behind her hand at this.

"So what are you doing tonight Sakura-san? Do you think you and Sarada will be able to make it tonight? Hinata asked. Sakura looked towards her daughter, only getting a shrug in return. "Mā, Hinata-chan are you sure? I mean isn't this a family endeavor?" She waved her hand at the notion.

"Oh it's no trouble. We were actually thinking of getting everyone together for a small dinner party tonight." Sakura could already see Ino teasing her and "accidentally" spilling the beans on her pregnancy.

But when she looked down at the little black-haired Uzumaki with her cheeks puffed out and tears threatening to spill out of her eyes, she couldn't refuse.

Defeated, she agreed to the invitation. "Great, well we'll see you two tonight alright? Come along now Himawari, let's get your dress so we can get started on the cake." The Uzumaki girls left to the children's section of the store, leaving the two Uchihas.

Sakura sighed. "This cannot end well." Her daughter wasn't wrong.

The stood outside their apartment door carrying multiple shopping bags on each arm. Most of them containing larger clothes for Sakura and a few items for Sarada. Sakura set a few bags on the floor as she fished for her keys in her purse.

She noticed the lights were still on when she opened the door and turned to her daughter "Sarada did you leave the lights on?" She moved further into the apartment to allow her daughter inside. "Īe, I'm sure I turned them off when we...left..." Sakura heard her daughter's voice get noticeably quieter and turned to look at her.

"Eh? Sorehanandesuka?" She noted her daughter's shocked expression before looking in the same direction. Her eyes widened, her mouth agape.

There, standing in front of her, was Uchiha Sasuke, her beloved husband.


Bet you thought I was gonna stop it there. Nope.

Sarada was the first one to recover from her stupor. "Shouldn't we be the ones telling you that, Papa?" She moved to greet him.

Sakura was still standing there in the doorway completely shocked. Sarada frowned "She's not gonna collapse again is she?" Sasuke moved until he was standing directly in front of his wife, who in turn lunged at him with tears in her eyes.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, her feet barely touching the floor he was that much taller than her. She held him close as she sobbed into his chest. Sasuke's lone hand closed the door behind her before wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.

It was rare that they'd do things like this in front of their daughter, but this was one of those rare moments. Sarada smiled at the scene. They had gone three months without word from him so they were beginning to worry, but Sarada had never seen her mother act like this. She figured that it was pregnancy hormones that made her so emotional like this.

Sarada's eyes widened at the thought. 'Pregnancy'. "Ne, I'm going to put my stuff away, I think you guys have some catching up to do. Good to have you back Papa."

She grabbed her shopping bags before bolting down the hall to her room. The couple smiled at their daughters antics before slowly moving towards the living room.

They talked about his mission and the places it took him. Sakura mentioned the party and even begged Sasuke to go. He reluctantly agreed, saying that he needed to speak to Naruto anyway.

"There's... there's also something else that happened while you were gone..." She was nervous, having no idea on how he'd react to the news. Sasuke's visible brow furrowed in confusion. "What is it?"

Sakura bit her lip in order to calm her nerves. "Hold on, I'll be right back." And with that, she hopped off the couch and fled to the safety of their room. She began digging through desk drawers looking for the pregnancy test she had taken at the hospital.

She hadn't noticed that her husband had taken a seat on the Queen-sized bed that they shared. She jumped when she turned around to find him staring at her. He smirked at the face she was making. Once she had calmed down she turned her back to him once more to look again in the drawer.

When she had finally found the test results she turned back around to her husband and his the papers behind her. "Just so you know, this isn't how I expected to do this. My original plan was to surprise you in a... more romantic way." By now she was staring at her toes on the hard wood floor.

She moved the paper from behind her back and held it out in front of her. Her eyes never meeting his. He warily took the paper out of her hands. "What is this?" He looked at the paper quizzically without actually reading it.

"Just read it okay?" The room went silent as he read. His eyes widened at the part where it said 'Status: Pregnant'. He lifted his eyes from the thin sheet of paper to look at his wife.

"Sakura..." She winced. "A-Are you not happy about this Sasuke?" Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes "D-Do you not want to have another-omph!" She looked down at the hand that covered her mouth before looking at her husband.

"Baka. Do you really think so low of me?" He asked before pulling her into an embrace and for the second time that night, Sakura was crying into the chest of her husband.


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