Another One Gone...

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Thomas' Point Of View

I struggled as we carried Winston to shelter. I knew he was injured, I just didn't think he was that bad. Teresa was a few metres ahead of us, scarf over her head to protect her eyes from the sand blowing around, searching for somewhere to put him.
"Thomas, grab his legs" Minho ordered and I obeyed.
"We've gotta find shelter!" Aris yelled over the noise.
"Well, no shank!" Minho shouted back, sarcastically.
"There!" Teresa called, pointing to somewhere.
We all exchanged a look, before hurrying over and climbing under. As soon as the wind calmed down, I walked further up the hill, leaving the others to sit with Winston. I must've been alone for about five minutes before Teresa came up and joined me.
"It seems like they're getting further and further away" she commented.
"We've just got to keep moving" I told her.
"How's it looking?" Newt called from the shelter.
"It's a little further" I called back.
I glanced at Teresa, who was rubbing the back of her neck and wincing.
"Hey, what's going on with you?" I asked her gently.
"They did something to me" she mumbled, moving her hair to the side.
I moved closer and looked at the back of her neck. There was some sort of tattoo. Dotted lines and a square in the middle. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.
"At first, it just felt like..." she hesitated, "I was waking up from a dream or something... Then they all started coming back."
"Your memories?" I gaped, "What do you remember?"
"I remember the first time they brought you in" she smiled, "I was taller than you then... And faster"
I laughed, "Okay"
"And I remember why we were there" she continued, her expression pained, "We thought we could fix all this..... I think we should go back..."
"What?" I snapped.
"Just listen to me"
"What do you mean, go back? After everything they've done to us?!" I scoffed
"It's not that simple!" she protested.
"Nah, I think it is that simple!" I argued.
"You don't understand" she sighed.
"What don't I understand?" I shot back.
"Everything was fine until you--"
"What?" I asked, coldly.
She sighed again, "Nothing..."
"Teresa, what aren't you telling me?" I asked, "These shanks took Y/N! My sister! So if there's something I should know you'd better tell me now!"
She opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a gunshot.
"Hey!" Aris yelled, "You guys, come down here"
Teresa and I shared a look before running back down to the others.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know" Frypan stuttered loudly, "He just woke up and grabbed the gun"
I crouched down next to Winston and patted his back gently.
"Hey Winston" I murmured, "You okay?"
He gagged and threw up purple blood. He coughed and choked before lying back down, wheezing. We all stared at him, speechless.
"It's... growing" he croaked, breathing heavily, "I'm... sorry... I'm not going to make it... Please... Don't let me turn into one of those things..."
I stood, still speechless and stared at him. I barely noticed Newt taking the gun from Frypan's hand.
"Hey... Newt" I said.
I watched him crouch down beside him and slide the gun into his hand.
"Thank you" Winston breathed heavily, "Now get out of here. And tell your shank of a girlfriend when you see her... That she was a good friend, like a sister... And she'll probably feel guilty for not being with me... So don't let her."
Newt nodded and stood up, "I will... Goodbye Winston."
He walked away, his bottom lip quivering and slung his bag over his shoulder, Aris doing the same. Minho and Frypan kneeled beside Winston, Minho standing back up and leaving with Teresa not long after. Frypan stayed for a few seconds more before looking at me and going after the others.
"It's okay" Winston smiled at me, half heartedly.
"I'm sorry" I frowned, my eyes watering.
I picked up my bag and began leaving.
"Thomas" Winston whispered to me, "Look after them for me..."
I nodded and continued walking. I sped up to catch up with my friends, but froze on the spot when another gunshot rang out. We all looked at each other, sadly before continuing on. I frowned to myself. First Alby, then Chuck, then Y/N and now Winston. How many more friends am I going to lose? NO THOMAS, I thought to myself, Y/N is still alive... You've just gotta believe in her... And I do.

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