Get Out Of Here

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Your Point Of View

I wandered around, shining my torch in different places just studying everything. I heard Teresa gasp and spun around.
"You alright?" Newt asked.
"I'm fine" she replied hesitantly.
She slipped a jacket on and I heard Frypan say, "What?"
He and Newt were both watching her, Frypan gaping and Newt smirking. That's the second time I've seen a connection.
"Hey Teresa, these boots would really suit you" I called over to her, and both the boys looked away.
I sat beside her and she took them out of my hands, thanking me and smiling. She noticed something, and picked it up, smiling. A picture of a little girl cuddling a teddy. I smiled too. I looked up at Newt, who was shining the torch on some sort of memorial, flowers and cards surrounding it. He looked back at me, his expression blank. All of a sudden the lights turned on and he grinned at me.
"Thomas, watch out" I heard Minho yell.
Newt's grin was replaced by a look of fear. We all regrouped, apart from Thomas and Minho.
"What's going on?" Winston queried.
Thomas and Minho's screams rung out and we all turned to see them running towards us. Then more people emerged screeching and howling.
"Oh god" I gasped.
"Go go go!" Thomas yelled.
"Get out of here!" Minho ordered.
"Guys, come on!" I screamed, starting to run.
We ran up some stairs.
"Thomas, Minho what are those things?" Frypan shouted.
"I don't know!" Thomas replied.
We continued running, but of the creatures approached us just as we reached the top of the stairs. Teresa stopped, as did Thomas and they both tried fighting the monsters off.
"Tommy, Teresa, hurry up!" I shouted.
"Teresa come on!" Thomas yelled.
She screamed and threw something at the creature opposite her before running up the stairs after Thomas.
"We've got to find a way out of here!" Frypan shouted.
A monster leaped through the glass and into Newt.
"No!" I screamed and ran back to him.
I felt someone grab me but shrugged them off as I hurried to help him. He was struggling to get it off of him. I ran straight at it and kicked it and it fell off him. I grabbed his hand and helped him up and we continued running.
"Thank you baby" he breathed.
"Come on Y/N" Winston shouted over his shoulder, "Come on Newt!"
We ran faster and down a thin corridor. Winston pushed us in front of him, before screaming.
"It's a dead end!" Minho exclaimed, frustrated.
Him and Thomas began shoving their shoulders into the doors. I kept my eyes on the creatures, my eyes wide with fear.
"Hey, Y/N" Newt said, putting his thumb and index finger on my chin and moving my face so I was looking at him, "Don't look, just... focus on me."
I nodded as Winston yelled, "I'll hold them back"
He pulled out a gun and began shooting, "Guys, get that door open!"
We all began helping, kicking at the doors. Finally, one opened and we poured through. I grabbed Winston's hand with my free one and dragged him along with me and Newt. I felt him pull back, so turned and saw a creature dragging him along the ground. I pulled on Newt's hand and he spun around and began helping him. Minho attempted to close the door as the others tried to pull Winston away. I cringed as Winston let out a pained scream and one of the creatures hands slid down his stomach, leaving long gashes. I ran to help Minho close the door, as did Thomas and the boys pulled Winston away, as he screamed again.
"Go!" I shouted.
"Y/N come on!" Newt pleaded, helping Winston walk.
"Thomas, Minho go I'm right behind you!" I promised.
"Okay, hurry!" they yelled in unison, before running.
I scrunched my eyes together and ran after them. It was as though everything went silent, although I knew the creatures were still screeching and shouting. I ran as fast as I could, following the others. We all hid together, panting and I felt Newt pull me close. I sighed and snuggled into him as Thomas shushed us all and turned off the torch. As the creatures hurried away, still in search of us, we slowly walked out of our hiding place. When I realised they were gone, I fell to the ground, sighing in relief. But then a rough pair of arms grabbed me, dragging me away from my friends...

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