The Drive

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Your Point Of View

We hurried through Marcus's house, trying to find one of his vehicles. Newt's hand was tight around mine, and every so often he'd squeeze it just to let me know he was still there. We reached a rusty vehicle and Jorge climbed in the driver's seat. Me and Brenda sat in the boot, as it was only a seven seater car and there were nine of us.
"You know, that top really suits you" Brenda commented.
"Thank you" I smiled, looking down, "I really don't know how I'm going to keep these jeans clean though haha"
"Yeah, that's why I never wore them" she chuckled.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Bad idea. A sudden throbbing hit my left eye and it started watering.
"Ow" I winced.
"Here" Brenda said, passing me an antibacterial wipe, "It'll stop it from getting infected. Wipe your cuts as well"
I nodded and she smirked at me, gesturing to Newt with her head. I side glanced at him and he was checking me out through the mirror. I decided to tease him a little bit, so started playing with my hair and twirling it around my fingers. I pretended to itch my shoulder, and noticed him bite his lip. I winked at him and smirked before engaging conversation with Brenda again.
"So" I whispered to her, "I saw you gawking at Thomas earlier"
"Oh!" she gasped, blushing, "Yeah we, erm, may have kissed a little bit."
I choked on air, "You what now?"
Everyone else in the car looked at me and I smiled sheepishly.
"He has a thing with Teresa" I hissed, quietly.
"Eek" she smirked, sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.
The car came to a sudden halt just as I started wiping my eye.
"Shuck!" I shouted, covering my eye.
Everyone jumped out of the car, but only Newt came to see if I was alright. He gently moved my hand away.
"Jeez, Y/N" he whispered, "It's just got worse!"
"Well, no shank!" I joked, sarcastically.
"You're such a tease" he smirked.
He took the wipe from my hand and carefully wiped my cut. I winced and grabbed his arm as a reflex. He looked amused, but continued wiping my cut, then proceeded to my eye. I let out a whimper and he started wiping it more lightly.
"Stop!" I said, groaning with pain, "Just wipe my lip and we can go, please"
He wiggled his eyebrows, "Wipe it with what?"
"The wipe" I answered, rolling my eyes and laughing, "Nice try though"
He sighed, overdramatically and started wiping my lip. I closed my eyes and groaned slightly at the stinging of the wipe.
"All done" he grinned, pecking my lips and then my eye and then my cut.
"Thank you" I smiled warmly, "It feels better"
"You're welcome" he smiled back.
"I love you, Newtie" I whispered.
"Hurry up, shanks!" Minho interrupted, "We haven't got all day!"
Newt and I rolled our eyes at each other and walked over to them. Cars were smashed into each other, blocking the road ahead.
"Looks like we're on foot here on out" said Jorge

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant