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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. My shoulder ached and my legs burned, but the pain wasn't half as bad as it was before. I sat up slowly, groaning slightly at the pain. As I leaned against my pillows, there was a clatter and I realised that I had knocked a bowl with a wet cloth inside onto the floor.
"Y/N?" a voice called from outside. "Are you okay?"
I tensed at the voice, afraid of who was coming to see me. Clint appeared at the door, causing me to sigh with relief.
"Thank god you're alright!" he exclaimed hugging me gently from the side.
I laughed. "How long was I out for?"
"A few weeks" he frowned. "You must be hungry, I'll go and get Frypan to make you something and tell the boys that you're awake."
"Okay" I nodded in response and lay back down.
After a few minutes, Minho, Newt and Gally rushed into the room, all hugging me but none of them speaking. Minho took some chairs from the corner and placed them next to my bed, then all my close friends sat on them.
"You shucking shank!" Gally finally broke the silence, shaking his head, "You scared us all to death!"
I shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry"
"You've nothing to be sorry for, Y/N" Newt commented, shooting daggers at Gally, "You're alive and that's all that matters."
He looked into my eyes, and mine bore into his, which caused Minho and Gally to share a knowing look and leave. Realising this, Newt shuffled his chair closer to my bed and took my hands in his, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Y/N" he managed to croak out, "I..."
He broke into a fit of tears, causing me to gape in shock and my heart to melt. I sat back up again and pulled him into my arms, hugging him tightly. I ignored the pain in my shoulder as I ran my fingers through his hair, comforting him as he sobbed. He pulled away and tried again, still holding my hand.
"Y/N..." he sniffed, "Ever since you came up in that bloody box, for the whole two years, I've been crazy about you. Your smile makes me smile and there's just something about you that makes all this klunk worth it. You make being in the Maze worth it. I see you with Minho and Gally, and I get jealous and fear that you're falling for one of them and not me. You're my entire world, Y/N"
I said nothing, just stared at his tear-streaked face. He gazed back at me, intently, biting back the nerves that threatened to expose him. Still unable to say anything, I took my hand out of his, and placed each of my hands on either side of his face. I stared into his eyes once more, still stroking his face. Then without thinking, I began moving closer to him. I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips pressed against mine, his body in my arms. Our lips were centimetres away when Alby rushed into the room.
"Y/N!!!" he exclaimed.
I pulled away from Newt and let go of his face. "Hey Alby"
"Sorry, have I interrupted something here?" he frowned.
"No," I said at the same time as Newt saying "Yes"
We looked at each other, smiling, and I winked teasingly at him.
"Alrighty then" Alby clapped his hands, "We're celebrating your survival!"

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now