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I woke up the next morning, my nose stinging but the pain in my shoulder completely gone. I frowned as I remembered last nights events, the way I'd teased Newt about his feelings and watched him walk away. I sighed and got out of bed, changing into a fresh set of clothes (my favourite lilac tank top and blue denim shorts) then slipped on my white flats and headed to get food. I sat beside Zart today as I decided that Newt wouldn't want to see me. Minho sent me a confused look and I just shrugged. I scoffed down my waffles eagerly, before running towards the maze entrance with Alex, another runner, joining I.
"How was your day off the other day?" I asked, "I haven't spoken to you since... y'know..."
"It was alright," he shrugged.
"Okay" I answered with a nod.
I turned around, in search of Minho, and found Newt staring at you. I waved at him slightly and he looked down at his plate. I dropped my hand back down to my side, disappointed. The doors began to open behind me.
"Minho!" Alex shouted.
"Minho, you slinthead get over here!" I yelled.
Minho stood up from the table, smirking, before grabbing his pack and running towards us. Alex and I met eyes and started jogging ahead, as we knew he'd catch up soon enough. The whole time I ran, all I thought about was Newt and the look of hurt on his face last night. I checked my watch and it read 6:15. Fifteen minutes til the doors closed. I picked up the pace, running ahead of Minho and Alex who were deep in conversation about the new greenie. I rolled my eyes and continued running. As I ran through the entrance, my vision began to blur and the pain in your shoulder returned. I screamed at the top of my lungs, the pain ten times worse that it was before, and the last thing I saw was Newt running towards you.

I screamed and sat up, my hand immediately going to my injured shoulder. I grunted slightly at the contact but it didn't hurt as much anymore. Jesus shoulder, I thought to myself, make your shucking mind up.
"Hello?" I croaked, trying to find someone to get food for me.
Newt suddenly came into view causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. He smirked at me and perched himself on the end of the bed.
"What happened?" I rasped.
"Ryan attacked you" he told me, clenching his fists, "As soon as you got out of the maze he sunk a knife into your shoulder."
"Why?" I wondered, my voice getting more normal, "Why would he do that he's one of my best friends?"
"I don't know, Y/N" he frowned, "I'm just glad you're okay"
"Newt..." I began, "I'm so sorry about yesterday..."
He took my hands in his. "Firstly, it wasn't yesterday, it was a week ago, you were out for a week. Secondly, it's alright, you were just joking... It just bothered me."
You held his face in your hands and kissed his forehead.
"Y/N" he said slowly, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now