Chapter 1

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The Uzumaki resident was so quiet and calm in the evening. The street lamp was starting to light up and the ground still wet because the rain.

In the house, there's only two girls.

The girl with pink hair sitting emptily on the couch.

Haruno Sakura was still sad about what happen to her family. She has no one right now. The unexpected accident took her parents' life in a second.

Karin Uzumaki, the only one she could put all her hope for. She was her kind older cousin. Only a few months older. She was living alone too. So, since Sakura lost her parents, she kindly invited her to live with her.

"Sakura..." A beauty redhead called her, taking steps to downstairs. She was just done preparing Sakura's bed.

Sakura turn to her with a sad face. "Karin..." She replied, trying to smile.

Karin sat beside her. "You know, I've been feeling what you felt right now Sakura. So you have to move on and start a new life." She advised softly.

"I know..." She whispered.

Karin sighed and held Sakura's shoulder. "You can let out everything today, but no tomorrow." Its been three days since her parents' death. So Sakura have to learn on how to live without them.

Without hesitating Sakura hugged Karin tightly as if she was the only thing she have. They were like sisters but Karin seemed to be more mature than her. That's based on what they've been through.

Karin shushed her to calm her down.

After a few minutes, Sakura seemed to be fine and slowly pulled from the hugged.

"Sorry, I wet your shirt Karin." She apologized.

Karin looked at her left shoulder soaked with tears. "Its fine." She shrugged. She's been a tough girl.

Sakura nodded.

"Emm, you're still not transfered to my school right? It will be easier if you and me go to the same school together from now on." Karin suggested.

Sakura seemed surprised. Something bothered her. A certain person came to her mind.

"Umm, I will tell my principal tomorrow for school transferring." She said.

"Okay, that's awesome." Karin smiled. "I'm sure you going to be okay in my school. I can help you all day." She tried to cheer her up.

"Arigatou Karin." Sakura smiled and that's a relief for Karin.

"No problem. I'm going to make our dinner. You can take a nap. I'll wake you up soon." Karin pat her head.

"Hai hai." Sakura laughed. But then when Karin gone, she frowned thinking about tomorrow. She have to plan something so that her boyfriend will understand about her transferring school.

In Sakura's school,

Sakura met with her boyfriend at recess time. She kept on biting her lips and played with her fingers since she was feeling very nervous.

She was waiting in the back of the school. Like they always do because there are not too much students there, only a few so they can have their time together.

"Sakura-chan..." A male voice came to her ears.

She turn to meet her boyfriend. He have red hair, lesser than Karin. And a pair of green eyes almost matching Sakura's emerald one.

"Gaara-kun..." Sakura greeted. Her hands shaking and sweating.

She sat awkwardly followed by Gaara.

"What's the matter, Sakura-chan?" He asked. "You seemed to be afraid of something." He added.

Sakura closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'You've been thinking about this all night, now go, tell him.' Her inner self told her.

"Gaara-kun..." She looked at him in the eyes. Trying to show how much serious she was. "I have something to tell you, but I hope you will not angry or mad at me." She said with pleading expression.

Gaara seemed to be confused and curious. "What is it?" He asked.

"Promise me you're not going to be angry." The pink-haired said again.

Gaara sighed. "Okay, I promise." Any one would promise if they didn't know what was going to happen, right?

"Gaara-kun, I'm going to transfer school, because of my parents death - of course you know that already. So, I'm going to transfer to the same school as my cousin since I'm living with her now." Sakura explained nervously.

Gaara looked calm but he looked away and sighed. "So, what about me?" He asked emptily.

Sakura held his hand. Gaara didn't move nor held her hands back.

"I...I hope you can move on without me. Let's...let's break-break up." The words left bitterly from her mouth. She doesn't know what else could she say.

Gaara looked at her shocked, hurt, surprise, anger, sad and a lot more shine through his eyes that she couldn't understand.

"Gaara-kun, forgive me. Its for the best...for the both of us. Its going to be different when we're going to apart from each other." She said almost desperately.

"So are you saying I'm happy that you're going to leave me because you make it sound like we're just fine. 'Its for the best?' What do you mean by that?" Gaara said with a hurtful expression.

Sakura shook her head. "No, not like that. I don't want us to suffer a long distance relationship, that's all." She tried not to hurt him.

"I'm more hurt if you broke up with me Sakura." He stopped calling her Sakura-chan. "Its been two years." Gaara raised his voice and finally pulled his hand from her.

"We're still young and have a long way to go. I'm sure you can find somebody who is better than me Gaara-kun. I'm such a bad girl, leaving and the one who broke your heart." Sakura chose to say like that, so that Gaara agree to broke up with her.

"If that what's you want..." Gaara stood. "Go away and never appear in front of me again." And that's he went away with his hands balled. Probably trying not to cry.

Sakura somehow felt relief and a bit hurt. But, she was always ready for this. She already thought about this, the night before she slept. She loved Gaara but she could always ready to let him go when she have to.

She sighed and ate her bread with butter flavour made by Karin.

The bell rang and she hurried to class without thinking about what happened before.

She already talk to the principal, so tomorrow is the last day she going to school at Suna Highschool.

Kon'nichiwa min'na-san..

I'm glad I could still do this story even if I didn't complete Temporary yet. So that's mean I have to finish these two - oh no these three including my BTS fanfic (Tomboy's Love) .

If anyone who love BTS, please check out TL. Its my new ( on hold) fanfic.

@AniArmi first chap done.

Next chap coming soon.♥♥


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