19 - all my favorite conversations

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a/n: i found this in the notes on my phone. i'm glad i wrote it because reading it reminded me of that feeling. i want to get back to it one day. i want to feel it again.

There I was: laying on my bed in the most obscure position with One Direction's Made In The A.M. album playing in the background. The song, specifically, was A.M.

My eyes were closed as I listened to their voices. Just as soothing as I remember from their earlier days, only softer and more mature now. They've grown. I've grown, too. I've gravitated back toward them, smiling at all that I missed.

It felt like a scene in a movie. Where the music blares over everything else as the character sleeps or contemplates life. I wasn't doing either. I was quite literally resting my eyes and resting my mind.

But it felt like a scene out of a movie. Because for the first time that day, everything felt okay.

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