5 - don't be ashamed of your roots

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I grew up with country music, but when I hit seventh grade and went on my teenage rebellion streak, I was strictly into punk rock, screamo, and anything under those genres

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I grew up with country music, but when I hit seventh grade and went on my teenage rebellion streak, I was strictly into punk rock, screamo, and anything under those genres.

Oh, god. Those were the days, right?

Not anymore. And I can't believe how much I have missed my country music without realizing it.

I know, country music gets a bad rep a lot for being sexist -- and I will not deny that because there are definitely some artists I refuse to listen to because of the crazy sexism -- but some artists like Carrie Underwood, Darius Rucker, Old Dominion, and Miranda Lambert are the best ones.

And right now I'm on a Darius Rucker kick.

Oh my god, y'all. I have missed him. "Wagon Wheel" and "Radio". And his new song "For The First Time".

No joke, the latter inspired a new story idea. It's going to be offline for a bit, but still.

My roots are still very much alive inside me.

Going a little off topic, Miley Cyrus's song "Younger Now" is exactly how I feel right now. I didn't have much a childhood, but listening to country music has brought a little of that back.

And it feels. so. good.

I'm a Georgia girl, in my heart and soul. I can't believe I tried to forget about my hometown artists. I knew deep down I wouldn't be able to, but I'm so glad I'm
not fighting it now.

Don't fight your roots, y'all. They will hunt you down and come back to you. I promise.

I'm also just glad I'm allowing myself to be happy listening to country music. It gets such a bad rap (even around my school, but it's kids trying to be "cool") that whenever I listened to it I felt so guilty.

But fuck that, I'm happy listening to it right now, so dammit I'm going to listen to it.

I'll probably never go see another country concert, though. Too much beer. But the songs are nice. So that's fine.

That's all. Until next time.

 Until next time

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