How Could They Do This?

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      The human ran out, avoiding another throw. While the spear was being reformed, followed by the strange, gurgling noises, Arlett took aim. As soon as the eye was level, she fired. It flew over the short distance and hit true. The monster fell. Mipha ran over and started to attack the fallen foe and retreated when it got up again.

      Once more this process was repeated, over and over. Each time, it took a few more arrows to bring it down. The zora princess would have to avoid getting hit with the spear on the side lines. Better yet, that creature, Waterblight, as Arlett had named it, would sometimes completely ignore her in favor of going after the championing pilot.

      If felt as if hours had passed before Waterblight turned back in to its ball of blue and returned in front of the console that controled the divine beast. Arlett took this moment to catch her breath. Mipha was doing the same. As it were, though, the monster would not allow them that luxury.

"Arlett!" Mipha was still taking deep breaths, "What is it doing?!"

      She realized, an icy light was coming from the spindling hand. The creature raised the light to the heavens. The ground rocked beneath them and water flooded in. Four small platforms rose, giving them the smallest amount of space to move. It was then, Arlett was extremely thankful that she had changed into the Zora armor that had been made for her.

      The creature hung from the ceiling. The gurgling noises it emitted while it moved seemed to be very taunting. The girls knew by now that the ball of light would stay were it stopped, so they pulled themselves up on adjacent pillars.

"Arlett! Look out!"

      During her escape, the large chunk of ice threw her forward and back into the water. The human took to staying where she was and using the pillar as her defense to rest.

"One thing's for sure," the girl shouted, "he's intent on restricting our movement, mostly mine."

"Then I'll keep him distracted," Mipha responded.

"Just be careful. We're both tiring. He's got energy to spare."

      The human pulled herself up and she and Mipha nodded. The Zora Princess was the main distraction, jumping into the water and swimming all around to draw the blue eye away from the archer. When it would turn to focus on the main threat, Arlett would take aim and shoot for the eye. It was all they had. The only problem they faced as of the moment was that she was running out of arrows. She wished she had bought some of the electric arrows too. Those would have been incredibly useful.

      The air temperature was dropping. Both of the females were freezing. Exhaustion was beginning to take over. They could not lose though! They were so close. The human knew, deep in her heart, that Waterblight was losing this battle. He may be able to spend off the most energy, but he could not live forever. The goddesses, damning as they were to her, could not let Ganon get away with invincibility forever...


      While caught in thought, and with Mipha under the water, a block of ice hit her and threw her into the chilling arena of liquid. She pulled herself out. Half of her body was on the platform and the other half in the water.


      Had she not seen this before?!

      She stared, wide eyed at Calamity's pawn. No doubt, there were more on the other Divine Beasts. The Champions must all be fighting this battle as well, but with another form of the blight. All of this was so familiar.

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