snallon meekes

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I really like Ryan Ross but I also really like Brendon Urie but Ryan is pretty cool too. I think I'll fuck Ryan for now. I really like the sound of bryllon and I think the author does too. The author enjoys seeing me in pain. It's proven fact.


"Hey baby," I spoke as I presented a welcoming grin, taking my seat next to his at the lunch table. He quirked a curious eyebrow, setting down his notebook, the writing utensil along with it.

"Dallon?" he scoffed, slipping his booklet into the smaller pocket of his bag, once again, the pencil with it.

I frowned lightly. "That's no way to talk to your future husband," I pouted, crossing my arms. Ryan snorted. "I swear to god I'll step on you," he bit. I chuckled.

"I find that hardly believable," I replied with a smirk. Ryan rolled his eyes, lifting himself from his seat.

"Where are you off to, kitten?" I wondered.

"Confession," he replied blandly, propping his bag over his shoulder. I bit my lip, watching as he stormed out the lunch room. He didn't even care to glance back. I wondered which spider crawled up his ass that morning.


Ryan's POV~

I sighed heavily, pushing my way through the crowd to reach the washroom where I could eventually get away from everyone and everything. I stumbled in, closing the door behind me, I leaned back against the wall, groaning as the scent of cigarettes filled my nostrils. Sure enough when I glanced up, my eyes met with none other than Gerard Way, a smoke laced between his fingers. Frank Iero stood next to him, looking all too calm, cool, and collected, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. I felt myself grow smaller than I formerly was, blushing softly as I hunched slightly.

Gerard took a drag from his cigarette, exhaling the substance a second later. "Hey kid, you smoke?" he asked, carelessly, letting the ashes rain.

I felt my throat swell up. "N-never tried it," I admit, my eyes flickering down at the ground beneath me. I could almost hear the eye roll from Gerard, the pity laugh accompanied by Frank.

"C'mere," Gerard spoke, as if I didn't have a chance. With Gerard, you really didn't. I shook my head in protest.

"I don't smoke," I replied, slowly raising my hands. Gerard scorned me. He pushed himself off the wall he had momentarily been leaning against and started toward me, cornering me. Frank watched silently in amusement as if he'd seen this at least a million times over.

I tensed up as I felt Gerard's hand come to contact with my shoulder. I winced, awaiting his next movements. He raised the smoke so that it had become level with my mouth.

"No, seriously, Gerard, I-"

"You need to calm the fuck down kid, you're acting as if I'm about to rape you, just take a damn drag," he laughed, shoving the smoke between my lips. I squirmed, shoving him off of me in a panic, letting out a whimper in the process. 

Just then the door opened, a familiar face entering. 

Brendon raised a curious eyebrow, examining the scene. I held my arm nervously,  obviously appearing on edge. I peered away, staring at the pretty wall instead. Gerard returned to Frank's side, pressing the butt of his cigarette against the wall in the middle to rid of it. 

Brendon just gazed back and forth between the three of us, trying to figure us out. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, and he knew he was. I lurched forward, away from the wall.

"No, I was just leaving," I say simply, bumping shoulder's with Brendon as I took my leave, out the washroom doors. 

The door closes behind me and I find myself walking hip to hip with the same usual suspect.

//Everything in this book is meant to be a joke and I regret everything smh this book is literally going to end up as satans long lost porno//

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