This Ain't a Race but I Still Take 1st Place

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"You're on!" He says. "Milliana, I want you to go get everyone here so they can declare me The Queen of The Fairies." I said. The Fairies is the female track team. She nodded and giggled. She ran off to go get everyone from the the football team, the cheerleader team, both track teams, Mirajane, and Lucy. Once everybody came, we got in our stances. He looked at me and said "When you lose, just know I'll still love you" I roll my eyes "We'll see about that." "Okay! The first of you to make it to the Cherry Blossom Tree wins!" The track teams coach, Eclair. The Cherry Blossom Tree was almost an entire block away. "Ready. Set. Go!" We both dash off. He started off in front of me for a good 2 minutes, but then, I find my self passing him up. I felt like I was going faster than I've ever have. My hair was flowing in the wind.

Jellal's POV:
In the beginning I was leaving her in the dust, then I feel wind pass me. I look up and she's in front of me. I don't know, but she ran so gracefully. Her curly hair was flowing. Its like she calculated her steps while before she made them. She kept at a steady pace until we got closer to the tree. I tried to keep up, but it seemed nearly impossible. I was never beat in a race. She looked so fierce. I could easily compare her to a cheetah. It was so confusing, she ran in a crop top, shorts, and vans? Not even running shoes. In the back I hear her friends cheering her on. We're almost at the destination.

Erza's POV:
I see the beautiful Cherry Blossoms. They encourage me to go even faster, so I picked up the pace. I hear my friends cheering for me. It was sorta uncomfortable running without a bra on, at the same time there wasn't really a difference. I'm finally there. I hop over the petals and I won. I raise my arms in the air, claiming my victory. "Yay!" I say as Jellal finally reaches the finish line. He picked me up and spun me around. "You're impressive" He says while putting me down. I jump back on him and wrap my legs around his waist. "I beat the fastest runner in Vermillion University" I whisper to him teasingly, I then kiss him. He put me down and we ran back to the field. Lucy, Mira, and Milliana bombard me with hugs. Until.. Ultear approaches me. "You won?" She says mockingly. "Yeah" I reply in a snarky tone. The girls begin to get defensive "Chill, I got this" I say while stepping up to Ultear. "You're gonna wish you never said that" "Am I really?" I ask in a more mocking tone. She sucks her teeth, "Bitch who do you think you are" "Look, I don't know what's your problem with me, but if it's about me and my boyfriend, you're shit out of luck" I say while crossing my arms. We slowly start to draw a crowd. "You better back down before you get smacked down" she says while stepping closer. "You need something better to do with your life. Are you mad because this isn't even a race and I'm still winning?" I say while placing my hands on my hip. "You're really asking for a beat down" Ultear says, "Try me bitch." Just from me saying that she runs towards me and punches me in my jaw. I push her off of me and I begin to punch her in her face. Mirajane tried to break us up, along with Lucy and Milliana.

Jellal's POV:
I look over and I see Erza and Ultear fighting. I quickly run over to help Lucy, Mirajane, Milliana, and the coach. I pick Erza up and the football coach picks up Ultear. I drag Erza in the gym. "What happened?" I asked in a disappointed tone. "She punched me in my jaw!" She said. "Okay, but you can't just fight! That's the drama girls stuff!"

Erza's POV:
"Okay, but you can't just fight! That's the drama girls stuff!" He shouts at me, causing me to flinch. "What, was I not supposed to defend myself?" I shout back at him. I was truly filled with anger. It seemed like he was taking Ultear's side. "I don't know, just don't attack people!" I started to tear up, "What do you mean?! She attacked me!" He just stands there in silence. "It seems like your choosing Ultear over me. You know what, maybe I should've just left you alone, and let you be the popular boy who can't keep a girl.." I said while walking off "Erza, wait.." I ignored him and left out the gym room.

Jellal's POV:
We just got into our first fight. I feel guilty. I don't know why I said that. She won't answer any of my texts or calls. I go back to the dorm. I just sat in bed trying to contact her. But she never answered.

Erza's POV:
I was laid on the bed listening to Taylor Swift, Adele, and Sam Smith while eating ice cream. I cried all day. I forgot to do my homework. I wore a big, wide, long One Direction t-shirt and boy shorts. I was under the thickest blanket I had. Mira and the girls tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked. I just wanted to be alone. I couldn't do that while Jellal was blowing my phone up all day. I got so emotionally confused I through my phone against the wall. I cried even more. My perfect curls were now a frizzy mess. When it was later, I got up and turned the lights off. I just laid there, dazed out with dried tears and a runny nose. I curled up in a ball and cried even more. I cried so much my tears fell on my shirt. I whispered to myself 'Why Jellal? Why?' I slowly find myself falling asleep. After about an hour in to my slumber, I was awakened by a knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled at the door. That didn't do anything. They knocked again. I let out a big sigh, before I opened the door. When I opened it there stood a concerned Jellal. "What do you wa-" I was then cut off by Jellal hugging me. I didn't do anything but hugged him back. I held him tight and then cried. I gasped for the need for breath. "Jellal I missed you" I sobbed. "I did too." He picks me up and put me on the bed. He got under the blanket with me and we both fell asleep. Goodnight.

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