Paris Day 2: The Beach

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Jellal's POV:
I wake up and Erza is still asleep.. on top of me. I blush at the sight. I didn't want to wake her cause it was so early so I didn't move. I fell back asleep.

Mirajane's POV:
Laxus and I head to Erza and Jellal's room. We have the spare key to their room. We were going to tell them we're heading to Cannes Beach. When we opened the the door, we find Erza laying on top of Jellal. "They're so cute!" I whisper to Laxus. "I wonder what they did last night" he says quietly with a smirk on his face. We leave out letting them get more sleep before we go to the beach.

Erza's POV:
As I awaken but my eyes are still resting, I feel a comfortable warmth on my body. I snuggle the source of the warmth tighter. After a 5-10 minutes of resting, I open my eyes. I look up and I see.. Jellal! I'm laying on Jellal! I blush, but my blush deepened when I looked under the blanket and saw that Jellal's hand was cupping my butt! I tried to get up without waking him, I slid upwards and slithered off of him. I don't know what's the plan for today, so I just assume there isn't. I grab my phone and sit with my knees to my chest. I check the time, 7:51 a.m. I check my messages and it read 'How are you doing in Paris?' It was from my brother Natsu. 'I'm doing just fine!' 'Did that Jellal guy try anything?!' I giggle while reading the text 'No, I'm fine! He's a great guy Natsu' 'I don't want any nieces or nephews!' When I read the text I blushed mildly 'Oh Natsu, shut up!' 'Well, I've gotta go! Coach is calling me!' 'See ya later bro!' 'See ya!' As I put my phone down Jellal begins to wake up. He turns toward me and smiles. I blush and smile back. He started to lean towards me our faces got closer and closer then.. "Hey guys!" Laxus and Freed bust through the door followed by Mirajane and Evergreen. It scared the living heck out of me. I jumped and straightened my back out, trying to act like nothing was happening. "What were you guys-" I cut him off by asking "So! Any plans for today?" Mirajane smirks as she knew what was going on. She stepped in and says, "I was thinking we could go to Cannes Beach, but first we should go to the Shake Shack" I nodded in reply. I got up from the bed and headed into the bathroom while the group was talking to Jellal. I shut the door and stripped my clothes off. I got into the shower. The group had left to get ready by time I got out the shower. I put my hair into a ponytail when I got out. I then put on lipgloss. I had a towel wrapped around me. Jellal knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in!" I told him. He walked in and said "You might wanna turn your head" "Why?" I said looking at him strangely "I'm about to..pee." I blushed and turned my head around. I reached up in the medicine cabinet and grabbed my earrings that I hide there so they won't get lost.

Jellal's POV:
It was embarrassing peeing in front of her, especially cause she's not my girlfriend. She reached up and her thigh was exposed for a minute. I pulled my pants up and washed my hands while she was putting her earrings on.

Erza's POV:
After Jellal left out the bathroom, I went into my bag and put on an outfit:

I put my outfit on and I don't wear a bra cause I'm wearing my bathing suit under my dress

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I put my outfit on and I don't wear a bra cause I'm wearing my bathing suit under my dress. I walk out with my flats in my hand. Jellal stares at me and I notice him blushing. "What?" I say while giggling, "You look rather stunning" he says changing his nervous smile into a smirk. "Why, thank you" I say in a snarky tone.

Jellal's POV:
Erza looks amazing! I could just devour her! She's so cute, adorable, amazing, just.. magnificent! She's a work of art! A masterpiece!

Erza's POV:
I sit down next to Jellal and put my shoes on. After we're both ready, we head to the lobby. The group is waiting there. "It's about time" Evergreen says. I giggle nervously. We all head to the Shake Shack where it's placed on the beach. This time, I'm seated between Jellal and Evergreen. We order our shakes and food. "You two seem to got closer" Laxus says with a smirk on his face. I sink into my seat and blush, "Um, yeah?" I say nervously. Mira chuckles. We receive our food and shakes. After we eat, we go to the beach section. I take off my dress and I'm in my swimsuit. Everyone changes into their swimwear.

Jellal's POV:
I see Erza in her swimsuit sitting in the sand looking at the water waves. She looks like somethings on her mind. I approach her and sit next to her.

Erza's POV:
"What's up?" Jellal asks while taking a seat next to me, "Nothing" I say while letting out a sigh. "C'mon, Something's bugging you" he says while rubbing my shoulder. "Alright. Well,  when I was 13 and my little sister Kagura was 8, we used to go to our towns port and jump in with our clothes on and swam to the end of the shore. We can't do that anymore, cause ya know, my grandpa" he nodded. A few minutes went by in silence, until.. "C'mon lets go!" Jellal says while grabbing my hand and draggin me somewhere. "Where are we going?" "I heard about the deep end of the ocean, it's empty and silent, but the golden hour always hits directly right there!" He stops and points at it. My eyes widen in amazement, the sun shone golden. Not like any golden hour I've seen before, but it was actually golden. He turns to me, face to face. I look back at home and are eyes lock. Are fingers start to intertwine as we're now holding hands. He dips his head down slowly and I stand on my tiptoes. I close my eyes and.. are lips meet. The kids lasted for about 2 good minutes. We both pull away at the same time. I look down at my toes, blushing darker than my hair. "Um?" He says awkwardly, I look up at him and I smile. A genuine smile. He smiled back.

Jellal's POV:
SCORE! We kissed! Her lips were so smooth and tinder. I think she liked it because she smiled and kissed me back. It was the most magical I've ever felt.

Erza's POV:
After a few minutes after the kiss, he tackles me in the water and we fall in together. I swim up to the top and start to laugh uncontrollably. I splash him with water and we begin to go back and forth. It was honestly the most fun I've had in a while.

Jellal's POV:
Her laugh was contagious and beautiful. Her smile lit up my life. Her ponytail fell out when she fell in the water. When we both went underwater, her hair moved around like she was a mermaid. Her hair looked beautiful when it was wet.

Erza's POV:
I got out of the water, and Jellal followed me. I grabbed my beach towel and dried myself off and dried my hair. Suddenly Mirajane and Evergreen come running towards us. "Erza! Jellal! I thought you two were lost!" Mirajane says while hugging my tightly. "No, I'm fine" I say while giggling. "You guys really scared us!" Evergreen says with a stern look on her face. Mirajane pulls away and the look of realization wiped on her face. She grabs my hand and leads me to a more private place. "What's wrong?" I ask "Really? You and Jellal!" She says with a smirk on her face, "W-What?" "You like him!" She says eagerly "Um?" "Oh my god! You do!" "S-So what if I do?" "Oh! Ask him out!" She says while jumping up and down, "I mean, I don't know if he likes me, I don't know if that kiss really meant any-" my rambling is soon cut off by Mirajane "You kissed?!" I nod nervously. "Ask him!" "For now, I'll let him play his roles!" I say bursting Mirajane's bubble. I walk back to the group. Mirajane follows me. We head back to the hotel and stay there for the rest of the day. When we first go to our room Jellal sits on the bed and turns on the TV. He puts on a movie and invites me to watch it with him. He bought a lot of snacks from the Shake Shack. He bought peanuts, potato chips, chocolate, and grapes. I sat in between his legs. I'm small enough to do so. I'm 5'0. We watched movies all night until 12:00 o'clock midnight. I fell asleep in his arms.

Jellal's POV:
Erza fell asleep while sitting between my legs. I lay her down under the blankets and I turn off the TV. "Goodnight." I say to her not expecting a reply, but she answered.

Erza's POV:

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