When We Were Young (How I learned to run)

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5 years ago
"Hey Erza!" My 10 year old sister Kagura says. "What's up!" I yelled from my room. "Can you come make me some macaroni!" She yelled from the couch, "No way, do it yourself!" We often argue like this. "I can't make macaroni!" She yelled in an annoyed voice. "Oh my god! You're so annoying!" I yell while running down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and open the cabinet. "Come here!" I yell at her when she's just on the couch. "What?" Kagura's asks while walking to the kitchen. "I'm going to show you how to make macaroni" Kagura nods in reply. "You take a pot, and you fill it with water" "Okay.." "Then place the pot on the eye of a stove" Kagura nodded. "You've gotta be careful for this part, okay?" "Okay" "Now turn the stove on" Kagura did just as so. "Let the water boil" "For how long?" "You've gotta keep checking on it. Whenever it starts boiling, you put the pasta in" I reply. I hopped on the couch. Kagura sat down with me. "Where's your brother?" I ask her while flipping the channels. "I dunno, he said he was running away.." she replied. My eyes widen in panic. "You didn't try to stop him?!" I ask while getting up, "I tried, but he told me to leave him alone" I went upstairs and grabbed Kagura and I's coats. I turned the oven off. "Where are we going?" She asks, "We're going to find Natsu" I grab her hand and walk out the door. It was fall and in fall it got surprisingly cold. I only had on:

Plus my pink thin coat

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Plus my pink thin coat. I made sure to dress Kagura in warm clothes. I gave her my old winter coat. We head out to the forest that my brother Natsu always visits. Phoenix Woods. My grandpa was at work. He worked a painful job. He worked all day. "Natsu!" I yelled out when we reached the forest. Kagura tugged onto my coat tightly, she was scared. I looked at her and smiled "Is Natsu going to be ok?" She asked. "Everything's going to be just fine" I say while hugging her. I grip her hand firmly and we walk through the forest. "Natsu? Where are you!" I yelled. When we got deeper into the forest, we heard something. I took Kagura closer to me and said "Show yourself!" "Hey little girl" a creepy voice said sending chills down my back. "Who are you!?" I exclaim, a tall shadowy figure appears slowly. "We're her for you Scarlet kids." "What do you want to do with us?" I ask as the figure walks closer. "We gotta take you in to your new family" "What new family?!" I exclaim while walking backwards. "The Milkovich family is lookin for a new kid to adopt" "No way!" I grab Kagura's hand and start running with her. It turns out the man isn't alone, 2 other men appear. I dragged her as fast as I could. I notice Kagura starts to cry. "Don't cry" "Erza, don't let them take us!" She yelled while sobbing. After what seemed like a decade of running we hit a dead end. There was just a long lake, that had more land on the other side. "Now what are we gonna do Erza?!" She yelped in fear. "When I say jump, jump into the river." The men got closer and closer and close enough to where they could grab us. I hugged Kagura tightly for a second, and tears poured down my cheek. "Jump!" As she began to jump, I threw her into the lake. The men grabbed me and carried me away. "Erza!" She yelled while crying hard. "Find Natsu!" I yelled to her while being carried away. She swam across while sobbing. I couldn't help but cry as the thought of never being able to see my little siblings again. They put me in the back of a van. I sat there and cried. I cried my eyes out. I cried so hard I began to have a headache. I start to feel my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. It felt like it stopped beating. My breathing was limited. I began coughing. My tears poured uncontrollably. I was having my first anxiety attack. I try to wipe my tears but it's no use, they just keep pouring and gushing out. When the van stopped I began to cry even more. They open the doors to the back of the van. I flinch as they grab me by my wrist and drag me out. We were in front of a mansion. It was huge. They opened the doors and threw me on the floor. My wrists were sore. I get up and dust myself off. I look around, the mansion was larger than anything I could ever dream of. "Ah, this is the Scarlet girl, eh?" A woman with a black business dress on and she had raven hair. Just then, a man with a black suit. "What's your name kid?" "E-Erza.." I say nervously. "You look like you've been crying" the woman says with concern in her voice. I look away in response. Another voice comes in, a smaller voice. "She looks kinda ugly to me" I look up and a girl about my age, with a black button up dress on, says while pouting. "I'm not ugly, that old dress is" I reply in disgust. "Hey!" She says with an evil stare. I rolled my eyes at her. "You two cut it out! You're going to be sisters, so act like it!" The man says. "Sisters?!" We say simultaneously. "I'm sorry to break it to you but I have a grandfather at home.. so.." I reply with my arms crossed. "We ran it across him. We're the building owners, and your father is in depth, so you're our little gift" the woman bent down and said to me, I backed my head up with a disgusted look. "I don't want anything to do with you guys!" I yell with a pout on my face. "Same here!" The little girl yells back. "Ultear, Erza, be nice to each other. Your father and I are going to fix some dinner." Ultear nodded in reply. I walk further into the home. "Who are you?" Ultear says with a mean mug on her face while taking me to her room. "I'm Erza. What's your deal with me, anyway?" I ask her with my arms crossed. She doesn't answer and continues to lead me to her room. We reach a tall white door. She opens it and it's huge. "Here's my room" she says with agitation in her voice. I enter, she has a king size bed, a table that could be mistaken as a dining table, a huge closet, and much more. "Don't think your going to sleep with me" She says while sitting in a plushie chair. I roll my eyes and sit in front of a window. 'Where are you Kagura?' I ask myself while sobbing in my head.

Kagura's POV:
I was crying uncontrollably. "Natsu!" I screamed through the forest. I took my boots off cause when I was in the lake, my shoes got soggy and wet and were weighing me down. I ran through every part of the forest. I gave up on hope. Until, I saw a light, an orange light. I followed it. The more I followed the light, the warmer it got. I peeked around the bush and I saw a campfire. I got a little closer and saw a pink haired boy. 'Natsu!' I exclaimed in my head. I ran to the site and I was right. "Kagura?" Natsu asked while sitting in front of the campfire. I hugged Natsu and just cried into his shoulder. "Woah, Kagura, what's wrong?" He asks while rubbing my head. "E-Erza, they took h-her" I said while sobbing, I was a stuttering mess. "Who?! Who took Erza?!" He asked while holding my shoulders. "Some men. They said they need one of us. They took her to her so called new family." I said while sobbing harder. "Do you know where they took her?" He asked with the most concern in his eyes, "They said something about the Milkovich family" he grabbed my hand and we ran out of the forest.

Erza's POV:
I couldn't help but cry. I buried my face in my hands. I sat in the corner and cried. "What's wrong?" Ultear asked while wiping a pair of her shoes. I answered with sobs. She then got up and sat in front of me. "What's wrong?" I looked up at her and wiped my tears. "My siblings" I sobbed out. She looked at me with a sympathetic smile. "I know how you feel.." she said while placing her shoes beside her. "How?" I asked while sniffling. "That woman, isn't my real mother" she said while scooting closer to me, I replied with a deranged look. "My mother's name is Orr. She died when someone lit our city on fire. My dad is still here cause he was out of town working" I saw in her eyes, she was going to cry. I hugged her and embraced her warmth. She looked at me with wide eyes as I pulled away. "My parents died in that town" I said while sniffling more. "I live with my grandpa. I'm scared he's going to die soon" "Why'd you say that?" "Because, he works for a tower building industry that works him over. He's only 80 years old" she looked at me and began to cry. "I'm sorry" she says in between sobs. "Why?" I asked, "He works for Milkovich Industry. My dad won't stop working him, I ask him to stop but he doesn't care about me. I'm so sorry I-" I cut her off "It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize. You can't change your parents mistakes, only they can." I said with a sincere smile on my face. She stood up and opened her room door. "Come on" she whispers to me, I follow her lead. We crept around the house til we reached the first floor. "What're we doing?" I asked her in a whisper. "I'm getting you out of here" she whispers back. We reached the back door that lead to outside. She opened it up and gave me a tight hug, I hugged her back. "Go, find your siblings." I nodded and waved. I walked out the door. That was the last time I thought I'd see her. I ran away from the house, and never looked back. I've never ran so fast in my life. It seemed like it took centuries to get there, but I never stopped running. I never took a break. I ran to my house. I pounded on the door. "Who is it?!" I heard Grandpa Robs voice yell from inside the house. I smiled from ear to ear. I looked under the mat and grabbed the spare key. I opened the door to a focused Grandpa Rob, and two sad siblings. They looked up at me and they froze. Kagura jumped up and into my arms. I was bombarded with hugs and tears of joy. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault" Natsu says with a sad pout on his face. I rubbed his pink mane of hair. "It's okay, you didn't mean to be an idiot!" I said teasingly.

Yep, that's me!

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